

The Amherst Lions Club celebrated 69 years during its annual anniversary dinner, doing something it has done since the first meeting in 1954 – giving money to community groups such as little league, minor soccer, the kidney foundation and the Cumberland Health Care Auxiliary.

It’s something that hasn’t gone unrecognized by the area’s district governor.

“Just pause and think, if you were not here for the past 69 years, who would have done everything you have done for your community. Who would have raised the millions of dollars that you give away without a second thought,” District Governor told Lions members and representatives of the groups the club has supported. “Just like our Lions pin, one Lion looking to the past and one to the future. Lions, be proud of not only what you have done in the past, but look forward to the great things that you will do for your community.”

The Amherst Lions Club has been a huge supporter of little league baseball, being the only original sponsor from when the league began offering free baseball to children ages five to 12.

It supports little league financially, as well as by volunteering as coaching, scorekeepers, umpires and executive members.

Lions have also been huge supporters of its playground that officially opened in its home on Hickman Street.

It has supported minor hockey, soccer, figure skating, basketball, boxing, the Victorian Order of Nurses and much more.

The club for its ongoing commitment to the district and the international Lions Foundation of Canada and its support for guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired.

The club continues to support law enforcement and health agencies through Racing Against Drugs for Grade 5 students.

There are also scholarships at ARHS, eye exams and glasses and scooters and wheelchairs for those in need, breakfasts for community groups.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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