
Wood Cut: 25 cords of birch wood has been split and cut on Oct 15 & 16. Thanks guys.

Farm Project - Harvest is done and in the bin.
Christmas Hampers: Eston Lions purchased turkeys Eston95 christmas hampers.

CLUB VISITATIONS: Check your group assignments - get going. Remember to get visitation book from the President.

Eye Glasses - Lion Lorne Johnson has volunteered our our to be an eye glass collection centre. This will involve collecting glasses, sorting, packing for shipment.

Meals on Wheels: Eston Lions are delivering meals in the new year.

Gopher Statue - LIons restored the gopher base and put a fence up behind it. Good work Lions.


Projects that need to done:

Lions storage shed roofing and siding.

Reinstall Lions farm project sign.  



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