
The Garden City Lions Club served up another successful pancake breakfast at the Garden City Moose Lodge.

Hank Cable, immediate past president, believes close to 200 people came through during the almost four-hour time span.

“We did well,” Cable said. “It was a good event.”

He explained that the annual breakfast, which features guest cooks from the Garden City Fire Department, is an informational event about the work of the Lions Club.

The club’s main focus is supporting Leader Dogs for the Blind, which helps blind and visually impaired people. The service organization also supports the Penrickton Center for the Blind.

Every October, the club and firefighters also join with each other to host the Garden City Fire Open House.

“We had some puppy raisers at the breakfast this year, too,” Cable said.

The dogs always spark the attention and interest of the children who attend the breakfast.

“Kids love the dogs,” Cable said.

The goal of Leader Dogs is to match dogs with people and the environment in which they live. The organization takes into account rural versus city needs. A variety of breeds are trained to be Leader Dogs.

Founded in 1939, Leader Dogs for the Blind has provided almost 14,000 dogs to visually impaired people.

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