
Juba Host Lions Club President's Message

Dear Members,
Warm greetings and welcome to 2015/2016.
I would like to start by thanking you for the confidence you have shown in our ability to serve as your 2015-16 Board and and in delivering the mission of Lions Clubs International to less fortunate South Sudanese people and the rest of society within our borders. Our efforts will be driven by the trust you have put on us. Your support will guarantee a very successful year and by working together we will truly create positive change in society through aiding the lessfortunate people.

In order to achieve any ambitious goal and have a successful 2015, we as members of the Juba Host Lions Club need to take action in our local communities  and support efforts of club. We need to be forward looking and focus on achieving results rather than engaging in small conflicts that may divide our members. We need to share the responsibility of getting other volunteers
involved in the activities of our club.
It is important that all our members take an extra effort to have a deeper understanding and conform to LCI norms, programs and policies. I would also like to encourage members to broaden their thinking and knowledge by taking key interest of what is within and outside our country.

Take every opportunity to travel and attend LCI meetings to get a broad understanding of what other Lions Club members are doing around the world.

Thank you


Loku Abiya Awule
Club President

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