
             LIONS and LEOS          

    Our  Lions Club sponsors the Suwannee High Leo Club.  LEOS  assist the Lions and pafrticipate in various public community projects. LEO youth develop interactive skills from exposure to positive community citizenship, leadership and compassion.

Community Service Project Discussed

Front Row: LEO Zulema Quiterio (Secretary) LEO Yareli Olguin, LEO Lazara Perez-Gomez, LEO Briana Stevens (Vice President), LEO Shanquise Johnson (Treasurer), LEO Haleigh Martin : Back Row: LION Chris Fry, LEO Daniel McIntosh, LEO Nick Hill (Leo President), LION David Mullis Zone 7 Chair/Treasurer, LEO ADVISOR-LION Terry Mills

LION representatives Chris Fry and David Mullis of our local Lions club met with the Suwannee High LEO Club members to provide them some information about the Lions and Leo organizations and to also discuss a possible new project for the LEO Club.

LEO clubs are youth community service clubs and they are sponsored by Lions Clubs. The word LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. The purpose of LEO Clubs is to promote service activities among the youth of the community which will develop these qualities and to unite its members in friendship, fellowship, and mutual understanding.

The objective of LEO clubs is to “… provide the youth of the world an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national, and international community”.

LEO members are encouraged to develop leadership qualities by participating in local service activities…. and this brings us to the reason for the visit. The LEOs discussed a project possibility … collect used eyeglass. Lions have for years collected old eye glasses donated by community citizens. After they are collected they are sent in bulk to a Lions recycling site where they are cleaned, refurbished, optic prescriptions measured and recorded, sorted and packaged and then provided to needy populations worldwide. Volunteer healthcare professionals (many are Lions who take time away without pay from their daily professions) to travel on missions around the world to give vision care and properly prescribe/dispense these glasses to desperate children and adults … all at no cost.


We like Our Leos!!! and Leos Like Hotdogs and Hamburgers!



Leadership Experience Opportunity

The first Leo Club was founded in 1957 by Jim Graver, the coach of the Abington High School, Pennsylvania baseball team. He was an active member of the Glenside Lions Club. The club was founded with the help of William Ernst, another local Lion. It adopted the high school's colors of maroon and gold. The club also created the acronym Leadership, Equality, Opportunity for the word Leo. The word equality was later changed to experience.

In 1964 the Leo Club program became a sponsored program of the Lions district. It grew beyond Pennsylvania and the United States of America. By 1967 the program had grown to over 200 clubs in 18 countries and become an official youth program of Lions International. In the following year, the Leo program spread rapidly, more than quadrupling in size, to 918 clubs in 48 countries by the end of 1968. By 1996 there were over 5000 LEO clubs. Today there are Leo Clubs in over 141 countries.


Lion Mills receiving  Outstanding Leo Advisor Award for commendable service to Club and Community.




The stated purpose of Leo Clubs is:

To promote service activities among the youth of the community which will develop the individual qualities of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity.

To unite its members in friendship, fellowship and mutual understanding. Leo Clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International.  

The word L E O stands for Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.


The Leo Club objective is to " provide the youth of the world (with) an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community."

Leo Clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. They are dependent on a Lions Club to sponsor and initiate a Leo Club.

Leo Club members are addressed as "Leos."

They conduct various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children, differently abled, literacy and education, and self-development.

Leos can raise funds by conducting fund-raising projects. They can conduct projects with another Leo Club, sponsoring Lions club, or with an outside organization.

Leo Clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs and comprise an official program of the Lions clubs international.












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