

1. Name of the club                               : LIONS CLUB OF STERLING AVENUE

2. Club Number                                     : 053573

3. Inauguration Date                              : 9TH JULY 1992

4. Charter Date                                      : 4TH September 1992

5. Sponsored Club                                : LIONS CLUB OF MADRAS EAST

6. Extension Chairman – I                      : Lion V. Muthukrishnan

7. Extension Chairman – II                      : …Lion Captain J. S. Aiyer............................

8. Guiding Lion                                      : Lion G. Ahamed Sharif

9. Clubs Sponsored                              : Lions Club of Golden Jubilee, Royal Excellence

 Ponmanam, Chennai Aristocrats, Chennai Galaxy,

Chennai Crown, Kottivakkam, Thiruverkadu (since



10. Membership Strength                       : 34 as on 30- 06- 2013

11. Permanent Project                           : Pudupet Village - Sunkuvarchatram

12. Continuous Project                          : Nesakkaram – an organization meant for Rag pickers

13. Key Members (NOS)                        : 7

14. MJFs/PMJF (NOS)                           : 8

15. Charter members (NOS)                   : 6




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