
Club History

In the fall of 1969 Lionism came to the Mahone Bay area with the chartering of a Lions Club consisting of 23 members. Bridgewater was the sponsoring Lions Club. District Governor Joe Maund was the guest speaker at the charter night held at the Mahone Bay Fire Hall. It was a memorable evening as the power went off part way through the evening and food had to be cooked off site.

Almost immediately this new club had an impact on the area with the construction of the swimming pool. The club has, throughout the years, provided annual operating assistance. After construction, the pool was turned over to the town and is now operated by a swimming pool society.

In subsequent years the club constructed a tiny tots playground and a public washroom at the ball park. In addition to these major projects the club provided significant financial assistance for the bandstand, tennis courts and ballpark. In recent years the club donated the beautiful flagpole at the town’s wharf.

The 1970’s saw the club conduct a major financial campaign that raised $15,000 to help a local family that had to make many trips to Boston as a result of major surgery for their young daughter. In the true spirit of Lionism our club made arrangements with  Lions from the Boston area to meet, transport and provide accommodations for the parents during the child's operation.  This was a true community effort as many people, businesses and other organizations made significant contributions.

In the early years fund raising was very generous with such projects as a fuel oil raffle, 100 Club, dances, variety shows,  fashion shows, Christmas cakes, gas-o-rama, sale of light bulbs and other useful items. A bingo was started at the Legion Hall and, after this, the club had sufficient revenue to conduct a valuable service program. Later came such fund raising projects as apple and Christmas tree sales, the operation of a food booth at the Wooden Boat Festival, a variety of dinners, a grocery draw, walk for dog guides, operation of the flea market, catering, food booths at the Scarecrow Festival, lasagna sales  and sale of several other items.

Community service has always been very important to the club. Members have assisted fire departments and the Forties Community Center with their bingo. In cooperation with the Royal Canadian Legion and the Town of Mahone Bay the club has co-sponsored the New Year’s Levy and the Senior Christmas Party. For many years the club has conducted a food bank drive in Mahone Bay and area. The club has been an active participant in the Wooden Boat and Scarecrow Festivals.

Always a strong supporter of the VON, in addition to major fund raising endeavors, Mahone Bay Lions have been active in the VON programs such as delivery of frozen favorites and the senior safety call-in program. In 2011 the club, in cooperation with the Parish of St. James and the VON started a senior’s wheels to meals program. Still going strong in 2019 this program provided a full dinner and a guest speaker for $8.00. All profit realized is donated to the VON at that organization's  annual meeting.

The club has been involved in assisting with fund raising for the CNIB, Abilities Foundation, Terry Fox Run, Kidney Foundation, VON, Big Brothers and Sisters, Diabetes Association, the Ark, Canadian Red Cross and several others.

Always very supportive of the Lions’ Foundations the club has sponsored eight dog guides, participated in funding capital projects at Lions Foundation of Canada, been a model club as part of Campaign Sight First II, made members life members of both the Nova Scotia Foundation and Lions Foundation of Canada, contributed to specific causes of LCIF when natural disasters required assistance from our international foundation.

During the years the club has received many district awards for excellence such as the Best Club Trophy, Outstanding Lion Trophy, Best President and Secretary Trophies, Visitation Award, Best Bulletin Award, Public Relations Trophy and several of the awards for making the highest per capita donations to the Lions’ Foundations.

Along with meeting many community needs, and being major contributor to the Lions’ Foundations, the club has had a very active and extensive youth program including such activities as a LEO Club, Lions Quest, sponsoring Scouts, drug awareness activities, involvement in the peace poster contest, bursaries, safe graduation, public speaking, bicycle rodeos and sponsorship of various school sports events.

In 1973 a very active Lionette Club was organized that greatly assisted the Lions Club with many of the projects and activities, such as dinners, apple sales, raffles, social activities and a takeout lunch. This club ceased functioning in 2000 after 27 years of active service to the community.

Health and Social Services activities have played an important part of the work of this club. Major donations to both the Fishermen’s and SSRH, the Nova Scotia Eye Center, Bonny Lea Farm and assistance with expenses and purchase of equipment for needy residents have been very obvious in the work of the club.

Members of the Mahone Bay Area Lions Club have served in a variety of zone and district offices such as Zone Chairman, Deputy District Governor, Region Chairman, District Chairman, Vice District Governor, Cabinet Secretary Treasurer and District Governor. They have also served on the boards of the Lions’ Foundations and been involved in specific fund raising projects such as Campaign Sight First and Partners in Independence.

In 1998, the Chester Basin/New Ross/Chester Lions Club, sponsored by the Mahone Bay Area Lions Club, was chartered. A Branch of the Mahone Bay Area Lions Club was formed in Riverport during  2003-04 and, in 2006, the Riverport District Lions Club, sponsored by Mahone Bay, was chartered.  Lion Gary Langille was the Guiding Lion for both these new Lions Clubs. 

Of the original 23 charter members, two are still active in Lionism. PDG Charles Uhlman, club charter president, and Lion Errol Veinotte, currently members of the Mahone Bay Area Lions Club.



Best Club-1991-92; 1993-94; 2003-04; 2004-05

Best Club Runner Up- 1992-93; 1996-97; 1997-98; 2005-06; 2011-12; 2015-16

Best President-Richard Nowe-2008-09; Mary Isnor 2004-05 and 2005-06;   David Baugil 2003-04, 2014-15

Runner Up President- Charles Uhlman 1990-91

Best Secretary-  Charles Uhlman -1991-92; 1992-93

Outstanding MD Secretary-Charles Uhlman-1991-92; Judot h Purcell 2013-14

Runner Up Secretary-Gary Langille-2008-09 & 2011-12; Charles Uhlman 1996-97;

Best Road Sign-2004-05; 2005-06; 2009-10; 2017-18

Lions Foundation of Canada Annual award 2006-2007

Nova Scotia Foundation-1994-95

Best Zone –Zone 8- Charles Uhlman 1991-92; Zone 9- Ray Penny 2001-02; 

Zone 9- Dave Baugil 2008-2009 

Visitations 1994-95; 2008-09

Public Relations- 1991-92; 1992-93; 1994-95; 1996-97; 2001-;  2004-05; 2005-06; 2006-07; 2007-08; 2008-09

Best Bulletin-1974-75; 1993-94; 1994-95; 2012-13; 2014-15

Membership Growth 1985-86

Peace Poster Contest 2017-18; 2015-16;  2014-15, 2012-13; 2010-11; 2008-09; 1995-96 

Outstanding Lion- Charles Uhlman- 1990-1991; 2009-10 ; Lion Gary Langille 2010-11;  Lion Judith Purcell 2013-14

Hearing Dog Guide Trophy 2010-11

Outstanding MD N Secretary- Lion Charles Uhlman, 1990-91; Lion Judith Purcell, 2012-13.

Best Website: 2013-14; 2017-18; 8

Diabetes Award- 2014-15


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