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Walt and Kate meet IVP Choi

Club Presidents installed on June 19, 2018 (l-r) Dover Lioness club president, Kate Roshon of Smyrna, Tony Lee of Dover, and Melvin Nace of Capitol City. Thanks to the Dover Lions for hosting and PDG Cheryl Jones for performing the instillation.

Membership Chairs being installed. Tony Lee of the Dover Lions, Kate Roshon of the Smyrna Lions, and Ron Cox of the Capitol City Lions. Thanks to Dover Lions for hosting and PDG Cheryl Jones for performing the instillation.

Officer Instillation of Dover Lions, Dover Lioness, Capitol City Lions, and Smyrna Lions. Thanks to the Dover Lions who hosted this event on June 19, 2018, and thanks to PDG Cheryl Jones for performing the instillation.

2017 Officer Induction Secretary MaryAnn Evans, FVDG John Burris, DG Charles Taylor, President George Hutchinson

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