
Donate your eyeglasses!

We accept old and new prescription eyewear. You can drop them off in designated boxes like the one in this picture, located at Sugarbaker's Corner Cafe and Discount Drugs of Swansea. The eyeglasses will then be sent to international headquarters to be marked and distributed to those who need that particular prescription, but cannot afford it.

*** We also accept hearing aids and cell phones.

Annual Peace Poster Contest

We held our own local Peace Poster contest this year, the first of many. Students aged 11, 12, and 13 at Sandhills Middle School competed by drawing their envisions of the 2012 theme "imagine Peace." Awards were distributed at a special assembly held the morning of November 2nd. Our Grand Prize winner was Karla Mondragon-Rosas with Oyuki Fernandez in first place. Congratulations, girls!

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