
June 24/17

Wrap-up party was called to order by Lions Larry and Jim Parsons at 7 pm.  President Earl was not able to attend.  Blessing was given by Linda Hall.

Supper was provided by Ken.  There were 24 members and spouses present.

Lion Ron installed new officers for year 2017-2018.

Lions Larry and Jim Parsons presented Dog Guide Awards, Sask Lions Eye Bank Awards and 100% Attendance Awards to club members.

Door prizes were won by Lion Beth, Linda Hall, Lion Susanna, Lion Dennis, Barb Parsons and Lion Larry.

In order for the bar fridge to be turned off during the summer, members were asked to purchase left over alcohol.

Entertainment was presented by Jackie Hudec.  She gave the club two of her CDs for future raffle.

Lion Larry was fined twice for saying the wrong thing, the same with Lion Dennis.

Party was ended at 9 pm.  Everyone went home with a pot of geranium.

June 8/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, Blessing by Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken.  There were 13 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, second by Lion Reg.


Minutes from last regular meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Claire.

President's Report:

Lion Susanna would stay on as secretary for year 2017-2018 since no one came forward to fill this position.

There will not be a regular meeting on June 22/17.

There was a thank you card from Hudson to the club for his prize the club had sponsored at the music festival.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Louise.

Lion's Fair Booth:

Lion Jim Parsons needed more members to help at the Fair.  Members were asked to help to clean the booth on June 27 a 10.30 am.

Painting Night Fund Raiser:

Lion Larry reported the event would take place on June 14/17, 7 pm at the Lions Hall.  There were 52 registrations.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Reg pointed out tickets should be cut off earlier and collect the fees.  Lion Jim Parsons pointed out there should be a better way to manage food supply and the time to serve customers for their meals.  This was the first time for the club to gain experience for the future event.

Other Meeting Reports:

For the wind-up party on June 24/17, Lion Ron will send out e-mail to all the club members for the info.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

June 8 to June 30/17                   Lions Leon and Gary

June 30 to July 15/17                  Lions Rupa and Phyllis

July 15 to July 31/17                    Lions Jim A and Jim P

July 31 to Aug 15/17                    Lions Howard and Adeline

Aug 15 to Aug 31/17                     Lions Greg and Mike

Aug 31 to Sept 14/17                    Lions Ron and Susanna

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 7:50 pm.

May 25/17


Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.


M Supper was provided by Ken.  There were 21 members present.


Minutes from last regular meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dan.

President's Report:

Request from Comp School for presentation of Lions Scholarship, Lion Dennis will do the presentation.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Joe.

Needed to transfer $2,000.00 from building account to general account.  Lion Larry made the motion, seconded by Lion Ron.

Lion's Fair Booth:

Lion Jim Parsons asked members to fill out the time slots for working at the Fair.

Hall Maintenance Report:

Lion Louis reported the lawn was cut.

Painting Night fund Raiser:

Lion Larry reported the event would take place on June 14/17, 7 pm at the Lions Hall.  There were 42 registrations already.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Reg reported the menu was set.  50 tickets were sold.  Lions & Spouses will attend.  Need members to Work on June 3/17

Hudec & Lions Music Fund Raiser:

Lion Joe reported tickets were on sale at Pharmasave.  Posters for advertising were out.  Things were in place.  Lion members will be free of charge for the concert.  Need members to help for that night.

Lion Louis made a motion to pay Lion Joe the fund for printing the tickets and posters, seconded by Lion Jim Appleyard.

Lion Joe asked members to collect items for silent auction.

Lion Jack's and Lion Phyllis's Fund Raiser Discussion and Decision:

Lion Earl sent out e-mail to members about criteria for this fund raiser project for year 2017-2018.  Lion Dennis made a motion for discussion, seconded by Lion Gary.  After discussion, club members voted and rejected the proposal.  Lion Leon made a motion to destroy the ballots, seconded by Lion Ron. 

Other Meeting Reports:

For the wind-up party, Lion Jim Parsons said their committee had a meeting.  There would be entertainment and would charge $5.00 per person for the meal.

Tail Twister:

Lion Louis was fined for his birthday.  Lion Larry won the prize for the raffle.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

May 25 to June 8/17                    Lions Wes & Earl

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

May 11/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken.  There were 18 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Ron.


Minutes from last regular meeting and executive meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dennis.

President's Report:

Congratulation on Lion Dan as a member of Sask Lions Hall of Fame.

Swift Current Comprehensive High School Graduation Class 2017 asked for donation.  Lions Club supported them with scholarship.  Filed.

Lions Club in Saskatchewan received Saskatchewan Premier's Award for Service Clubs.  A presentation for this award will be at the Memborial Forest Dedication on May 28/17, 2 pm at Regina Beach.  Members wish to attend may contact Lion Ron before May 21/17.

Secretary for the club needed for year 2017-1018.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.

Budget Projection for year 2017-2018 was circulated to the members.


Lion Dan reported 4 members went to visit Herbert Lions Club on May 3/17.  This concluded all club visitations for year 2016-2017.  Lion Dan said the club earned more points this year than last year.  There were also 5 members and 6 guests at the Sask Lions Hall of Fame banquet on April 29/17 in Moose Jaw.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Howard handed out poster for members to post for advertising.

Other reports:

Lion Gary reported the club was booked on June 12/17 to help the Salvation Army to serve meals.  Because the club has other projects to work on, Lion Gary will cancel the booking.  

Lion Larry reported that his daughter, Crystal would like to hold a "Paint Night" for our club to raise fund.

Lion Earl circulated a printed proposal for all the club members about the fund raiser Lions Jack and Phyllis proposed.  Lion Earl would e-mail this proposal to all the members again.  Club members have to make a decision at the next Lions regular meeting.

Tail Twister:

Lion Jim Parsons was fined for his remark about Lion Jim Appleyard.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

May 11 - 25/17                      Lions Larry, Reg, and Beth

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8 pm.

April 27/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken.  There were 19 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Louis.


There was a correction for the minutes from last meeting.  Lion Earl pointed out the main fund raisers for Harris Lions Club were rib fest and fish fries, not the Rosetown Lions Club.  Minutes from last meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dennis.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Gary.

Lions Fair Booth(Frontier Days);

Lion Jim Parsons said the club members could sign up for working at the Fair Booth now.


Lion Dan planned to visit Herbert Lions Club on May 3/17.  5 members will be going.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Jim Parsons said lots of help would be needed for that evening.

Hudec Music Fund Raiser:

Lion Joe reported the saloon at the Fair Ground was booked.  The event will take place on Aug 26/17.  Tickets will be sold at $30.00 each.  Only 200 tickets will be issued.  Lion Joe and Jackie will take care of the advertising and posters.  There will be drinks, auction sale at this event.  Rob will charge $500.00 for the first 3 hours.  Lion Jack will take care of the lunch.  Lion Jim Parsons will take care of selling liquor tickets. After all the expenses, the revenue will go to the club.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the eighth session of orientation about "Sask Lions Foundation" to the club.

Other Reports:

Lion Dennis reported the Comp School scholarship selection was done.  The presentation  for the scholarship will be on June 6/17,  One of the member from that committee will go to present it.

Lion Joe asked to have a name for the Hudec fundraiser.  The club decided to name it "Hudec and Lions Club Concert".

Lion Susanna resigned from her position by June 30/17.  The nomination committee will look for a new secretary to replace her.

Tail Twister:

Lion Gary was fined for the way he named the number to get the supper.  Lion Susanna was fined for her birthday.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

April 27/17 to May 11/17            Lions Dennis and Kelly

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8 pm.

April 13/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Schimmel's Dutch Bakery.  There were 18 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Gary.


Minutes from last executive meeting and regular meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dan.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Thank you note from Swift Current Music Festival Association for the club's donation.

Thank you note from Crystal for the club's donation.

Lions Dennis, Leon, and Adeline had the meeting about the Comp School's scholarship program and decided to interview 6 students out of 40 applications.

Reminded the members about the Spring Rally and Saskatchewan Lions Hall of Fame Dinner.

The date for the wrap-up party was changed to June 24/17 instead of June 17/17, seconded by Lion Wes.  Lions Jim Parsons, Jim Appleyard and Larry formed a committee to take care of the necessities for the party.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Howard.  Lion Earl would contact the Kinsmen Club about the rent.

Lions Fair Booth(Frontier Days):

Lion Gary reported the cost for printing the 50/50 tickets were quite high.  Lion Jim Parsons suggested to scrape the project and was agreed by the club members.

Hall Maintenance Report:

Lion Phyllis reported the Kinsmen would change one of their meeting night.


6 members went to visit Rosetown Lions Club on April 10/17.  Lion Earl reported their main fund raisers were rib fest and fish fries.  Lion Dan planned to visit Herbert Lions Club in May/17.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Reg reported the tickets for the event were ready.  Members could pick up the tickets from Lion Reg for sale now.

Education or Orientation Session:

 Lion Ron gave the seventh session of orientation about "LCI" to the club.

Nomination Committee for the 2017-2018 Swift Current Lions Club Executive:

Presented the followings:

Past President:                     Lion Howard

President:                             Lion Earl

Secretary:                             Lion Susanna

Treasurer:                             Lion Larry

1 Year Term Directors           Lions Wes and Louis

2 Year Term Directors           Lions Dennis, Joe, and Greg Miller

Tail Twister:                           Lion Jim Appleyard

Nomination ceased.  All positions except 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President were filled.

Other reports:

Lion Joe made a motion that the club to host a "Hudec Brothers" show in August/17.  Lion Jim Parsons seconded it.  $240.00 was deposited for this project.  Lion Jack donated $125.00 for this project.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

April 13 to 27/17        Lions Dan & Louis

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

 March 23/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 17 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Dennis.


Minutes from last meeting approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Reg.

President's Report/Correspondence:

A letter from SW Type 1 Sharps informed the club that they would hold their annual poker this year with Swift Current 57's Ball Club.  Therefore they did not need the club's help this year and thanked the club's help in the past.

Reminded the members about the Saskatchewan Lions Hall of Fame dinner.  The deadline will be on April 20/17 if anyone wishes to attend.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Wes.

Sight and Service/Lions Fair Booth (Frontier Day):

There were 5 applications for Sight and Service.  We could run 50/50 tickets at the fair.  Lion Jim Parsons suggested the club to sell cut-up water melons in containers at the Fair this year.

Hall Maintenance Report:

Lion Ron reported the Fire Department had come to inspect the building.  Everything was fine.


Lion Dan reported the visitation to Herbert Lions Club on March 15/17 was cancelled because Herbert Lions Club had only one meeting a month at the beginning of the month.  Club members planned to visit Rosetown Lions Club on April 10/17.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

Lion Howard gave the following report:  will hold this event on June 3/17, 70 tickets only for one sitting, $25.00 per ticket, $5.00 per drink, cocktail at 5 pm, supper at 6 pm, tickets will be numbered.  Club members will pay $15.00 per person for their supper.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the sixth session of orientation about "Sask Lions Eyebank" to the club.

Nomination Committee for the 2017-2018 Swift Current Lions Club Executive:

Lion Howard reported the club still needed a Vice President and Tail Twister.  He also apologized to the two persons without asking their permission before he tried to put their names forward for Tail Twister.

Tail Twister:

Lion Howard was fined for not having his cell phone turned off during the meeting.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

March 23 to April 13/17                      Lions Ron and Susanna

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:05 pm.

Mar 9/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by  Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe. There were 23 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Greg Parsons.


Minutes from last Executive meeting was amended by Lion Susanna about Truth and Reconciliation meeting would be on March 14/17, not March 12/17.  Minutes from last regular meeting and executive meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Ron.

President's Report/Correspondence:

5SKS Lions Spring Rally for officers' training in Moose Jaw will be held on April 22/17 for members wish to attend.

Truth and Reconciliation meeting will take place at Great Plains College.

Rib Fest fundraiser needs lots of manpower.  May look into it in the future.

Charter Night will take place in Fall.  The club will invite the new governor to attend.

Lion Dan will be inducted into Saskatchewan Lions Hall of Fame on April 29/17.  Members wish to attend the Banquet and Awards evening should contact Lions George Pretli, Joan Moore or Ron Munro before April 20/17.

Lions Earl, Wes and Jack had a meeting about Texas Holdem.  Lion Jack gave a report:  1.  The club should join force with Eagles Club and hold the event together.  2.  Our club with other Lions clubs should have a training session for Texas Holdem.  3.  The club should have one Texas Holdem in spring and one in fall with the Eagles Club at the Eagles Hall.  4.  The club should advertise the event.

Treasurer's Report:

Lion Larry gave a verbal report.  It was approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Louis.

Hall Rental Report:

Lion Phyllis reported that garbage was not taken out to the bin and there was smell in  the hall.  Hall caretakers were asked to keep an eye on that from now on.


A few club members planned to visit Herbert Lions Club on March 15/17.

Pitchfork Steak Fondu:

The club will hold Pitchfork Steak Fondu on May 27/17.  Lion Earl will print the tickets.  There will be silent auction, 50/50 tickets.   The club decided to charge $20.00 per plate.  Lions Reg, Howard, Jim Parsons and Wes will form a committee to take care of all the necessity for this event and where the fund will go to.  Lions Jim Appleyard and Dennis will sell 50/50 tickets.

Salvation Army/Monday Supper:

Lion Gary reported the supper was cancelled on March 6/17 at the Salvation Army.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the fifth session of orientation about "Sight & Service" to the club.

Nomination Committee for the 2017-2018 Swift Current Lions Club Executive:

Lions Howard reported the club still needed a Vice President.  On March 23/17, all the names for the nominated officers will be out.  On April 13/17, the members will vote for new officers for next year.

Spring Wind-up and Awards:

The wind-up party will be on June 17/17. The regular meeting on June 22/17 will be cancelled.


Lion Jim Parsons made a motion to sell 50/50 tickets at the Fair this year, seconded by Lion Howard.  More members will be needed to work at the Fair this year.

Lion Jim Parsons informed the club that our regular caterer would be away on April 13/17.  Lion Jack will provide the supper on April 13/17.

Tail Twister:

50/50 ticket was won by Lion Jim Parsons.  Lion Dennis was fined for his birthday.  Lion Earl was fined for messing up the item on the agenda.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

March 9 to March 23/17            Lions Jim Appleyard and Mike

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:20 pm.

Feb 23/27

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by welcoming the guests from Rosetown Lions Club, welcome song, O'Canada, Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.  Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 16 members plus 4 guests present.

Lion Earl moved to adopted the agenda, seconded by Lion Dan.


Minutes from last meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Louis.

President's Report/Correspondence:

An executive Meeting will be held on Feb 27/17 at 7 pm.

The 2017 Lions Cavalcade for Diabetes will be held on June & 10 in Wakaw, Sask.  Lion Calvin encourages Lions to participate and raise fund.

A letter from Relay for Life thanked the club for the donation from last year.

A letter from CNIB thanked the club for the donation.

A letter and certificate from The Salvation Army thanked the club for the support of their Christmas Campaign 2016.

Info about the MD5 Convention in Deadwood from May 17-20/17, the club will not be able to reimburse anyone who will attend the convention.

Two invitations from Richmound Lions Club:  1.  A Night at Carnegie Hall on March 11/17 at 7 pm,  2.  Richmound Lions Friendship Night on March 22/17 at 6:30 pm.

Notification about Lion Dan will be inducted into Sask Lions Hall of Fame on April 29/17.  Congratulation, Lion Dan.

Lion Ron made a motion that the club would pick up the tab for Lion Dan's and his wife's supper on April 29/17, seconded by Lion Howard.

Visiting Club Report:

Lion Bruce from Rosetown Lions Club gave a report about his club's fund raising activities.  Their club has been doing a very good job and raising a big amount of fund to help their community.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Ron.

Hall Maintenance:

Lion Louis reported that there were garbage bags by the garbage container's side and top.


Lion Dan reported 4 club members went to visit Tompkins Lions Club on Feb 21/17.  5 club members planned to visit Herbert Lions Club on March 15/17.

Donut Machine:

Lion Beth inquired about the table for March 10-12's trade show.  The cost for the table would be $300.00.  The club decided not to go.  The next show will be on April 1 & 2, but the tables are all booked.  Lion Beth will look into the one in May.

Salvation Army/Monday Supper:

The next supper will be on March 6/17.  Lion Gary said it was under control.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the fourth session of orientation about "L F C" to the club.

Nomination Committee for the 2017-2018 Swift Current Club Executive:

Lions Howard, Leon and Gary had a meeting last Monday.  They would get all the required positions fill by next meeting.


Lion Reg reported the Fondu Steak supper with baked potatoes, salad, buns and dessert would be our fund raising project for this year.  He would finalize everything at next meeting.  Lion Howard reported he had visited the Health Department.  They said there would not be problem as long as we would prepare and cook the food at the halll, and serve with paper plates and plastic utensils

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Feb 23 to Mar 9/17        Lions Jim and Greg Parsons

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:10 pm.

Feb 6/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Earl.  Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 18 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopted the agenda, seconded by Lion Wes.


Minutes from last meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Reg.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Lion Earl indicated he would stay for president for another year.  There was some information about Ribfest.  Lion Earl would like to take it to the executive meeting.

Hall Maintenance:

Lion Louis reported the light fixture at the lady's washroom was fixed.


Lion Dan reported 4 club members went to visit Piapot Lions Club on Feb 8/17.  6 club members planned to visit Tompkins Lions Club on Feb 21/17.

Donut Machine:

Lion Joe regretted that he had to back out from this project because of his working hours.  The three members in this committee would look after this project.  Lion Beth agreed to find out if the club would be able to sell mini donuts at the "Step into Spring Trade Show"  from March 10 to 12/17.

Salvation Army/Monday Supper:

Lion Gary reported 6 club members went to help out on Feb 6/17 at the Salvation Army's supper.  The next one will be on March 6/17.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the third session of orientation about "Lions Officers" to the club.

Nomination Committee for the 2017-2018 Swift Currrent Lions Club Executive:

Three persons were in this committee:  Past President - Lion Howard, Lion Leon and Lion Gary.  They would try to get members to fill required positions.


At the last meeting, Lion Reg made a suggestion of fund raising project.  Lion Earl wanted to add that Lion Reg with the help of Lion Howard, they would look into this project and bring forward suggestion or action plan.

Tail Twister:

Lion Dan was fined for the remarks he made.  Lion Mike was fined for not wearing his vest.  Lion Reg was fined for his birthday.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Feb 9 to Feb 23/17       Lions Howard and Adeline

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8 pm.

Jan 26/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by Lions Roar, blessing by Lion Ron.  Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 21 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopted the agenda, seconded by Lion Wes.


Minutes from last meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dennis.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Letter from Dorie's House thanked the club for the donation.  Cabri Lions Club would host their Fishing Derby on Feb 18/17.  Hazlet Lions Club made good fund raising by collecting used batteries.  Maybe our club should look into the possibility to do it.  Lion Earl moved to adopt his report, seconded by Lion Ron.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.

Hall Rental:

Lion Phyllis reported a group of regular renter would stop the renting of the hall for a while.


Lion Dan planned to visit Piapot Lions Club on Feb 8/17.  8 members will go.

Lions Zone 4 Meeting:

Lion Susanna reported 4 clubs attended the meeting and gave their reports about their clubs' activities.  Zone Chairperson Lion Jim Moen shared his message about the Lions' roles as Lions.

Donut Machine:

Lion Earl would contact Lion Joe and find out if Lion Joe had made any contact about the Step Into Spring Trade Show from Mar 10-12/17.

Salvation Army/Monday Supper:

The next supper will be on Feb 6/17.  Lion Gary had enough members to help for the day.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the second session of orientation about "Dues" to the club.


Lion Reg suggested the club should host a meal to raise fund.  The club would look into the possibility to do that in the future.

Tail Twister:

Lion Earl was fined for his smart remark.  Lion Claire was fined for getting older.  Lion Erwin was not fired for getting to be 101, but he paid, anyway.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Jan 26 to Feb 9/17          Lions Rupa and Phyllis

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:10pm.

Jan 12/17

Meeting called to order by President Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Earl and Lions Roar.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 18 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopted the agenda, seconded  by Lion Gary.


Minutes from last meeting and executives meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Jim Appleyard.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Lion Earl thanked club members and their spouses who helped with the Christmas party, meals on wheels, Salvation Army, eye glasses collection, acting president to chair the meeting, etc.

There was a letter from the Kiwanis Club to congratulate our club's 70th anniversary.  Letters from CNIB and The Centre thanked the club for the donations.  A letter from Regional Science Fair(Hight School) asked for donation.

Lion Jim Appleyard reported Dorie's House would use our donation to get a monitor for training with the Lions name by it.

A donation will be sent to Sask Lions Eye Bank.

An e-mail from Zone Chairperson Lion Jim Moen asked our club to attend the Zone meeting on Jan 14/17.

Lion Earl moved to adopt his report, seconded by Lion Wes.   

Financial Report:

Financial report and budget report were circulated.  Lion Larry was absented.

50/50 Fund Raiser:

Lion Jim Parsons reported he hadn't gotten any reply yet.

Donut Machine;

Lion Joe would work on it to set up the date for the club to work.  Also he was working with the Casino to get something going for the club.

Salvation Army/Monday Supper:

Lion Gary reported there were 5 Lions members and 2 spouses helped out on Jan 9/17's supper.  The next one will be on Feb 6/17.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron gave the first session of orientation to the club.

Tail Twister:

Lion Ron was fined for changing the agenda.  Lions Mike, Gary and Leon were fined for getting older.        

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Jan 12 to 26/17       Lions Leon and Gary

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8 pm.

Dec 8/16

Meeting called to order by acting president Lion Jim Parsons at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, and blessing by Lion Dan.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 16 members present.


Minutes of Nov 24/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Gary.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Dennis.

Donut Machine:

Lion Jim Parsons gave the committee a list of dates of shows being held at exhibition grounds.  The committee will work on the list next year.

Salvation Army Kettles:

There was some changing for persons to work.  It was in place.

Meals on Wheels:

There was quite a change to deliver meals this year.  It was not quite organized like other years.

Salvation Army Report:

Lion Gary reported he contacted Salvation Army.  Our club will serve meal on Jan 9/17 from 4:45 pm to 7 pm.  4 to 5 club members will go to help.

Eye Glasses:

Optical Image phoned for us to pick up some glasses.  Lion Jim Parsons went around to pick up about 300 pairs from different locations. Lion Wes would help out to pick up used glasses from now on.

Christmas Party:

Christmas party is on Dec 17/16.  Lion Gary reported it was in place.

Tail Twister:

Lion Jim Parsons was fined for advertising with the pens he gave to the club members,  Lion Joe was fined for not wearing his vest.  Lion Jim Appleyard was fined for looking at his cell phone all the time.  Lion Dennis was fined for forgetting  his birthday list.  Lion Howard was fined for getting older.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Dec 8 to Dec 22                           Lions Larry, Reg and Beth

Dec 22/16 to Jan 12/17                Lions Earl and Wes

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 7:50 pm.

Nov 24/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 18 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Louis.


Minutes from last meeting was approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Reg.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Risers were sold for $100.00.  Lion Earl would talk to Lion Jack later about Texas Holdem.  Meals on Wheels were in place.  3 Lions had gone to Salvation Army to observe how the meals were served.  The meals were served on Monday evening from January to June, then September to early December.  Lion Earl would book the dates, The club would need about 5 Lions each time to help, seconded by Lion Ron.

Lions Earl and Claire could not be able to work on Dec 10/16 for the Christmas Kettle.  Lions Ron and Susanna would take over.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Greg Parsons made a motion to donate $100.00 to Dorie's House, seconded by Lion Dennis.  Lion Jim Parsons suggested the club should donate $500.00 instead.  Lion Jim Appleyard would look into what Dorie's House needed and the club would send he cheque later.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Dan.

The cost for 5SKS Convention was $1,672.54, $768.81 was donated back to the club.

Hall Maintenance Report:

Lion Jim Parsons reinforced the door and window with bars.

Visitation Report:

On Nov 8/16, 6 Lions members went to visit Hazlet Lions Club.  On Nov 16/16, 6 Lions members went to visit Ernfold Lions Club.

50-50 Fund Raiser/Mini Donuts Fund Raiser:

We would not have any reply about the 50-50 fund raiser until after Nov 30/16's meeting.  The mini donuts machine was bought.  Lion Jack would provide the mini donuts at 500 for $50.00.  Lions Joe, Beth, Claire and Susanna would form a committee to work on this project.

Education or Orientation Session:

Lion Ron said he wuld start the session next year.


President Lion Earl recommended the December 22/16 regular meeting be cancelled.

The club would do the Christmas decoration after the meeting.

5 Bronco calendars left for sale.

Tail Twister:

Lion Susanna was fined for not to include "monthly trip fund raiser" on our last minutes.  Lion Ron was fined for getting older.  Lion Jack won the 50/50.

Hall Caretakers and Bar Service:

Nov 24 to Dec 8        Lions Dennis and Joe

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:15 pm.

Nov 10/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, Lion Ron introduced his guest, Lion Louis  introducted his guest, Lion Susanna introduced her guest, welcome song, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Schimmel's Dutch Bakery.  There were 17 members and 3 guests present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Dennis.


Minutes from last meeting and executive meeting were approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Gary.  Lion Larry pointed out that the motion made by Lion Louis at the executive meeting; the person to second the motion was missing.  It was amendfed, the motion was seconded by Lion Howard.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Lion Earl went through the discussion at the executive meeting with the club.  Anyone wanted the risers should notify Lion Earl by Nov 20/16.

15 Bronco calendars were sold, 5 are still there to be sold.

Salvation Army contacted Lion Earl about service clubs to help them out and invited us to ovserve their function on Nov 14 at 5 pm.  Lions Earl, Gary, Susanna would like to go and ovserve.

The interview of our club's 70th Anniversary from the Prairie Post was published this week.

The club members would man the Christmas Kettle at the Liquor Board Store for the Salvation Army on Dec 10/16.  Volunteers were in place.

Christmas Party is set for Dec 17/16.

Lion Ron will give a short orientation address about Lionism at each meeting from now on.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Dennis reported door prizes were collected.

Treasuer's Report:

Lion Larry reported most cost was from the break-in.  Financial statement was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Gary.

Hall Maintenance:

Lion Louis reported all the fixing was done.  There was an extra $75.00 for the extra removal of the garbage.  Lion Jim Parsons made a motion to reinforce the kitchen window and the front door, seconded by Lion Wes.


6 Lions went to visit Hazlet Lions Club on Nov 8/16.  Club members will visit Ernfold Lions Club on Nov 16/16.


Lion Jim Parsons made a motion to pursue the 50/50 sale at the rodeo and purchase the mini donut machine for $500.00, seconded by Lion Reg.  The club would look into the playhouse project in the future.

Convention Report:

Lion Ron reported the 5SKS convention had good speakers.  The club delivered 1950 pairs of glassed to Cpyress this year.  It made the total of around 17,000 pairs of glasses the club had collected so far this year.

Lion Adeline received a Progressive Judge Brian Stevenson award from PDG Lion Eunice

2017 Fall Conference will be at Estevan from Nov 3 to 5.  Full registration is $150.00.

Meals on Wheels:

Lion Earl reported the club will deliver meals for 12 day, 3 teams of 2, 4 days for each team.  It is in place.


Lion Gary will have more info about Christmas party later.  he suggested the members should bring non perishable items for the food bank.

Our club received the Membership Satisfaction Award from Lions International.

Tail Twister:

Members were fined for not wearing a poppy, also a few members were fined for becoming older.

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:45 pm.

Oct 27/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, Lion Susanna introduced her two guests, welcome song, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 16 members and 3 guests present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Wes.


Minutes from last meeting was approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Howard.

President's Report/Correspondence:

Former Lion Gene Prokop passed away, more info on Leader Post.

The club will deliver the meals on wheels for the first two weeks in December.

Email from Salvation Army asked to man the Christmas Kettle.  The club decided to man it on Dec 10/16 at the  Liquor Board Store.  Lion Susanna will notify the Salvation Army.

For the next executive meeting, Lion Earl needed ideas from club members about how to get more new members.

Diabetes Association:

Lion Howard rreported Lion Adeline still working on it.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Ron will ask Cabri Lions Club not to do their visitation to our club on our 70th anniversary because the seats are limited.

Treasurer's Report:

Lion Larry suggested the club needed to do some fund raising in order to pay the bills.

Monthly financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Gary.

Hall Maintenance:

Lion Louis reported the gate was done and a new door opened on the shed with the help of Lions Larry and Gary.  The garbage bin was full all the time.  The club decided to put a lock on it.


6 Lions went to visit Cabri Lions Club on Oct 20/16.  Lion Dan planned to visit Hazlet Lions Club on Nov 8/16, and Ernfold Lions Club on Nov 16/16.

Sight and Service:

Lion Jim Parsons reported there were 39 applications for 5SKS this year.  Lion Jim Parsons would look into the Bronco calendars.

Other Report:

Lion Earl would see about the supper for the next meeting because our caterer would be away.

Lion Wes reported a group asked our club to get a gaming license for them.  The club had to turn it down because of the limited time and the regulation of the gaming commission.

Lion Ron made a motion to nominate two club members for memberships in the Saskatchewan Hall of Fame, seconded by Lion Reg.

Tail Twister:

Lion Jim Appleyard was the acting tail twister for Lion Dennis.  Lion Earl was fined for bad comment, Lion Larry was fined for reading text on his cell phone at the meeting, Lion Mike was fined for not wearing his Lions vest.  The 50/50 draw was won by Lion Dan.

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:45 pm.

Oct 13/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, follow by O'Canada, Lions Roar, welcome song, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 19 members and 3 guests present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Phyllis.


minutes from last meeting was approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Howard.

President's Report/Correspondence:

5 Lions members and 1 non Lions member would apply to do meals on wheels.  Lion Earl would see if the club could do the meals on wheels for the first two weeks in December.

Invitation from Cypress College for the annual social on Oct 19/16, Lion Earl would attend.

Dog Guides thanked all the clubs for their supports.

A lady asked if the club would pay for her eye glasses.  The club had to decline.

Sask Eye Bank requested for financial help for new equipments.  The executives would look into this matter at their next meeting.

Lions Youth Camp and Exchange were looking for host families.

Nov 14/16 is annual Lions/CDA national Tag Day.  The club would try to do something next spring.

Llion Earl moved to accept the report, seconded by Lion Phyllis.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Howard reported that the Coffee Kicker had put our ad on the paper.  Some Herbert Lions members would come to our anniversary party.  Lion Ron would send out e-mail to our club members for their attendance.

Treasurer's Report:

Year-end financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Mike.

Monthly financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Ron.

Lion Larry made a motion to reimburse club members taking the safe food handling course in the past, seconded by Lion howard.  The motion was defeated.

Miller Family Update:

Lion Greg reported the boy still going for treatment.

Hall Maintenance:

The furnace was not working, got fixed by Lin's Plumbing.

Hall Rental:

Lion Phyllis reported that the group of line dancers were not interested to rent the hall when they had to pay regular rental fee.

Back Fence:

Lion Jim Parsons reported the back fence was done.  He thanked club members and non club member to come and help to get the fence done, also the members to provided the meals.  Lion Louis would get the gate done later.


Lion Dan planned to visit Cabri Lions Club on Oct 20/16.  Few members would go.

5SKS Fall Conference:

N0v 4-6/16, a few members from our club had registered.  At the Fall Convention, they are looking for Lions to fill some positions and Clubs to host next year's convention.

Lion Ron informed the club he was working on the applications to get some of our club members into the Saskatchewan Lions Hall of Fame.

Other Report:

Joe Regier would take care of our snow shuffle from Nov/16 to March/17.

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

Sept 22/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 14 members present.

Lion Earl moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Gary.


Minutes from last meeting was approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Wes.

President's Report/Correspondence:

An e-mail from Cypress Health Region informed us the change of rules for volunteers.  In order to deliver meals on wheels, a volunteer has to sign some forms and get a criminal record check with the RCMP.  An e-mail will be sent to each club member before the dicision is made whether the Club still want to go on with this project.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Howard reported the committee had a meeting before the Club's regular meeting.  Advertising was going out.  Entertainment was booked.  Invitations were sent out.  Interviews with local paper were arranged.

Hall Rental:

Lion Phyllis reported there were bookings for next year already.  A group of line dancers wanted to rent the hall every Wednesday for 2 hours.  Lion Phyllis would get more info from the group.

A motion was made by Lion Howard, seconded by Lion Jim Parsons that the hall was booked for our Christmas party on Dec 17/16.  Lion Gary would contact a caterer to provide the supper.

Back Fence:

Lion Jim Parsons reported the back fence was gone.  Material was bought.  Equipment was rented.  the new fence would be built on Oct 1/16.  Lions Reg and Adeline would serve lunch and supper.  All Lions and their spouses were welcome to come.


Lion Dan planned to visit Hazlet Lions Club on Sept 27/16.  8 members would go.

5SKS Fall Conference:

Nov 4-6/16, 6 members have registered.  2 more will register later.

The meeting was adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:20 pm.

Sept 8/16

Meeting called to order by President Lion Earl at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, Lions Roar, and blessing by President Lion Earl.

Supper was provided by Ken Rowe.  There were 19 members present.

Lion Ron moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lion Howard.


Minutes from the last meeting was read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Louis, the same with the minutes from the executive meeting.

President's Report/Correspondence:

A note from the city thanked the Club to support their summer program.

E-mail from the city asked for volunteers for the Snowbirds air show on Sept 28/16.  Filed.

E-mail from 2 recipients thanked the Club for the baby afghans.

A tornado and storm chaser wanted to come to talk to us.  Lion Earl will try and get more info.

An e-mail from Bentley Retirement Living asked us to join them for their open house.  Filed.

The club is still looking for a vice president.

Caretaker's lists were handed out.  If financially possible, the club would like to hire somebody to take care the outside of the building next summer from June 15 to Sept 15.

Try to recruit more new members were discussed.  We needed to have some meaningful projects for the communtiy in order to attract and retain new members.  Lion Jim Parsons said the Texas Holdem's players would let him know when they got together again.  Lions Jim parsons and Earl would go to talk to them and see if some of them would join our club.

Swift Current Museum will inform us after they accept the items the club has donated to them.

Lion Earl moved to accept the report, seconded by Lion Wes.

70th Anniversary:

Lion Howard gave a report to the club about the meeting was held by the committee on Sept 1/16.

Treasurer's Report:

Financial report was prersented by lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.

Budget report for year 2016-2017 was presented by Lion Larry and amended.  Moved by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Gary, the report was adopted.

Lion Larry made a motion for the membership fee to stay at $80.00 this year, seconded by Lion Howard.

Audit for year 2015-2016 financial statement will be coompleted later.


Lions Earl and Greg delivered the cheque in the amount of $2,000.00 to the Miller family.  They were very grateful about it.

Lion Louis checked and fixed all the tables and chairs needed to be done.

Lion Jim Parsons reported the cost for the fence would be about $1,800.00.  If the club wanted to move the shed inside the fence, it would cost an extra $100.00.  Lion Louis would inform Sask Power ahead of time.  The club would take the fence down on Sept 30/16 and build the fence the next day.  Lions Adeline and Reg volunteered to make supper on Saturday.

The booth at the Fair was a success this year.

Lion Jim Appleyard has gone to talk to the city about the renovation of the booth.  The city needed a plan from us.  Lions Jim Appleyard, Jim Parsons and Earl would talk to the city again in the future.

Lion Ron reminded the club about the Fall Convention at Cypress Hills from Nov 4-6 this year and informed the club that five members from our club served at the 5SKS cabinet.

Lion Ron handed out attendance pins to members who were not at the last meeting.

Lion Wes said Texas Holdem was on hold due to lack of players.

President Lion Earl moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lion Ron, followed by "The Queen" at 9:05 pm.

June 18/16

Our wrap-up party was called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, blessing by President Howard.

With 15 members, 6 spouses and 1 guest present, supper was provided by Wong's Kitchen.


Minutes of June 9/16 were emailed and approved on a motion by Lion Jim Appleyard, seconded by Lion Adeline.

Information Services Corporation requests for our financial statements by Oct 31/16.  Lion Jim Appleyard moved that the financial statement be audited, seconded by Lion Gary.

Lion Ron made a motion that the club adopt a policy of granting "ClubLife" membership to members achieving the age of 90 years and having 40 year of Lion membership, (membership fee exemption), seconded by lion Jim Appleyard.  Carry.  The club will notify Tressurer Lion Larry.

Lion Ron handed out attendance pins to the members.

Lion Ron installed new officers for next year:

Directors:      Lions Phyllis and Louis

Secretary:      Lion Susanna

president:       Lion Earl

President Howard passed the gravel over to Lion Earl.

Lion Ron presented the past president plaque to Lion Howard.

Lion Ron presented the CNIB/Lions Tactile to Lion Adeline.

Lion Earl thanked Lion Howard for his year of service to the club.  Lion Earl hoped to get more new and younger members next year.

The picture donated by Lion Dennis was won by Lion Reg.

The party ended at 8:30 pm.

June 9/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, followed by O"Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar.

With 16 members present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes of May 26/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dan.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Ron.

President Howard thanked Lions Jim Parsons and Beth looked after the last meeting.  He also thanked Lion Jim Parsons mowed the lawn and Lion Leon trimmed the trees.


Email from PCC Lion Gordon thanked the Club to support the LFC Raffle for this year.

Email from Lion Charlyn McGregor reminded us about the Lions Cavalcade for diabetes in Moose Jaw on June 11/16 at 5:30 pm at Timothy Eaton Gardens.

Email from the City about the renewal of 2016/2017 Community Services Guide.  The cost is $25.00.  Lion Wes made a motion to go ahead with it, seconded by Lion Earl.


President Howard gave a brief summary about the MD5 convention in Regina from May 25 to 28.  After he became DG in 2015, PDG Lion Ron received his 10 year service award as PDG at the MD5 convention.

Lion Ron reported the memorial tree for PDG Lion Ted is at the Lions Memorial Forest in Regina Beach.  The picture of the tree is on the Club website.

Hall:  Lion Phyllis wondered about the BBQ in working condition.  Lion Jim Parsons will look into it.

Lion Jim Parsons reported things went well on the bar tending night.  The Club made $483.00 for that night.

Lion Jim Parsons reported the ice cream booth at the fair was ready to go, needed to clean the booth on June 28 at 10:30 am and July 4.

Lion Jim Parsons reported the east fence needed to be replaced.  Material would cost about $1,000.00 plus labour.  Lion Wes made a motion to replace it, seconded by Lion Jim Parsons.

Lion Jim Parsons would talk to the poker players about joining our Club and have a break to use the hall.

Our 70th anniversary celebration will be on Nov 19/16.  President Howard suggested that advertising should be done soon.

Our wrap-up party will be on June 18/16 at the hall.

Lion Ron presented the CNIB/Lions Tactile to Lion Jim Appleyard.

Tail Twister:  Lion Larry was fined for his birthday.  Lion Beth won the picture donated by Lion Dennis.

New officers for the Lions' new year will start on July 1/16.  Lion Earl Hanson will be added as a new signing officer, Lion Larry O'Donnell and Lion Susanna Munro will remanin the same.

Officers for year 2016/2017

President:                         Lion Earl Hanson

Past President:                 Lion Howard Steinley

Treasurer:                          Lion Larry O'Donnel

Secretary:                           Lion Susanna Munro

2 year Dirrectors:                Lion Louis Perras & Lion Wes Vibert

1 year Directors:                  Lion Greg Parsons & Lion Phyllis Schimmel

Tail Twister:                          Lion Dennis Hall

Hall Caretakers:     June 9 to 23         Lions Dan and Louis

July/august               Volunteers

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:20 pm.

May 26/16

Meeting called to order by acting president Lion Jim Parsons, followed by O'Canada, blessing by Lion Dan.

With 9 members present, supper was provided by KFC.


Minutes of May 12/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Beth, seconded by Lion Dan.

Financial Report:

There was no financial report.

June 4/16 wedding at IPlex, Lion Louiis will help from 9:30 to close.  185 guests will be expected.  Toonie bar, wear vests, we will be paid $350.00 for the nite.

The 70th anniversary will use the Lions Hall on Nov 19/16.  Lion Reg made the motion we stay with the hall, Lion Dan seconded.

Ice Cream Booth:  Some of the spaces need to be filled, will wait until next meeting to fill the empty spaces.

50/50 Draw:  Lion Gary rerported on the 50/50 draw.  We have to have tickets wtith the peoples' names on the ticket.  it was decided to forget about the 50/50 for this year.

Eston Lion Club is having a golf tournament, pre-register by May 25/16.

Hall Caretakers:  May 26 to June 9   Lions Leon and Gary

Meeting adjourned by Lion Jim.

May 12/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar.

With 17 members and 1 guest, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

Bert Legault was our guest.  He was here to do his PR work.  Dr Noble Irwin Foundation and Swift Current Roman Catholic Church will have a 50/50 ticket sale for Chase the Ace.  He wanted the Lions to spread the word.


Minutes of April 28/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Earl.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Louis.  Lion Wes pointed out there was a .13 cents difference on the statement.


City of Swift Current summer program asked for donation.  Motion by Lion Ron, seconded by Lion Barry, $100.00 would be donated to the program.

A letter from Western Canadian Blind Golf Association thanked the Club for the donation.

Easter Seals Saskatchewan asked for donation to send disabilities to Camp Easter Seals.  Filed.

A list of all  PDG was passed around prepared by Lion Ron.

PDG Lion Ken sent out email about the fire at Fort McMurray.  Filed.


Hall:  Lion Phyllis reported about one of the weight watcher groups wanted to rent the hall for an hour a week and store their equipments in the hall.  The Club decided to turn it down.

On June 4/16, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, Lions Ron, Earl and Susanna will tend the bar for a wedding at IPlex.  Lions Jim Parsons, Mike and Jim Appleyard(maybe) will take over from 9:30 to close.

Lion Jim Parsons made a motion that the bar would pay for the wrap up meals on June 18/16, seconded by Lion Wes.

The Club has decided to choose Walker Place for our 70th anniversary celebration.  The cost for the room is $350.00.  We provide our liquor and caterer.

Lion Jim Parsons will chair the next regular meeting on May 26.  Lion Beth will be the secretary at that meeting.

Tail Twister:  The 50/50 ticket was won by Lion Jim Appleyard.  Lion Louis was fined for his birthday.  Lion Mike was fined for having his cell phone on with loud music.

Hall Caretakers:  May 12 to May 26     Lions Earl and Wes

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

April 28/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar and Lions welcome.

With 16 members and 4 members from Rosetown Lions Club, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes of April 14/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Gary.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Ron.


Swift Current Chinook Regional Science Fair thanked us for our donation.

Email from PDG Al Sullivan asked for donation to MD5 convention, filed.


Hall:  Lion Phyllis reported she was asked if the hall could be used for raising fund for families whose homes were destroyed by fire.  the Club agreed to let them use for free of change.

Fair Booth:  Lion Jim Parsons circulated time table for members to sign in for working.  He and Lion Gary will work out how to handle the selling of 50/50 tickets at our next meeting.  Lion Gary reported application for 50/50 tickets had been filed but hadn't gotten ay reply from the gaming commisssion.

Relay for Life will be held on May 28/16 at the Stockade.  Our Club will donate $500.00.

Windup party will be on June 18/16.  Lion Susanna will talk to Wong's about the price per person and the use of their facility, report to President howard and club members.

We shall celebrate our 70th anniversary on Nov 19/16.  president Howard will contact DGE Lion Karen and see if she can attend our celebration.

Lion Dan reported on April 16/16, there were 7 Lions and 4 spouses to Herbert Lions Club for their 70th Anniversary celebration.

Lion Jim Parsons reported the bar had about $650.00.

Rosetown Lion gave a report about their club.

Tail Twister;  Lion Susanna was fined for reading the wrong minutes.  Lion Larry was fined for not knowing his turn to give the financial report.  President Howard was fined for not turning his cell phone off.

Hall Caretakers:   April 28 to May 12    Lions Larry and Barry

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:05 pm.

April 14/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar.

With 17 members, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes of March 10/16 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Gary.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Mike.


Canadian Diabetes Association  thanked us for our donation.

Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis asked for donation, filed.

Saskatchewan Abilities bowling will be on April 23/16, filed.

Lions Foundation of Canada thanked us for the support of dog guides.  Will get more life membership for our club members later.

There will be 5SKS Golf Tournament on June 11/16 at Eston Golf Club.

Canadian Mental Health Association thanked us for the donation.


Visitation:  Lion Dan and 8 club members and spouses will go to Herbert Lions Club on April 16/16 for their 70th anniversary celebration.

Lion Adeline reported that the Music Festival had good performances.

Lions Adeline, Dennis and Leon got together and decided to interview 6 students at Comp High School for scholarship.  After their interview, they had decided 2 recipients to receive scholarship on June 6/16.

Lion Wes reported the Club would provide bar service on Jun 4/16 for a wedding.  The Club will receive $500.00 for the service.

Lion Jim Parsons reported the lock on the box for recycling glasses had been changed to a bigger one.

Lion Gary got ready for the 50/50 tickets to be sold at the Fair from June 29 to July 2/16.  There will be 10,000.00 tickets to be sold for 3/$5.00 and 10/$20.00.  1 winning ticket will be drawn on July 2/16 at 10pm.  Proceeds will go to dog guides, scholarship, Saskatchewan Diabetes and Saskatchewan Eye Bank.  Tickets will be ready by June1/16 if any member wants to start to sell the tickets.

Lion Ron reported on Saskatchewan Lions Leadership Rally in Craik on April 9/16.  It was a good meeting.

The Club had decided to turn down the invitation to take part for the support to Sask Lions Ride for Dog Guides on June 26/16.  Lion Ron will email and inform Lion Tom Armstrong.

The Club had decided to have our wrap up party on June 18/16.  More detail will be known on next meeting.

Lion Mike presented President Howard and Lion  Susanna with a little gift from the city for volunteers' work.

Tail Twister:  Lion Susanna was fined for her birthday.

We were the first club to send in the support for Blue Jay Weekend Raffle.  We received a little gift from PCC Lion Gordon.  Lion Dennis raffled it off.  Lion Jim Parsons won.

Hall Caretakers:  April 14 to 28    Lions Dennis and Kelly.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

Mar 10/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar.

With 16 members, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes was read.  Lion Wes moved minutes to be adopted, seconded by Lion Dan.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.


Email from Herbert Lions Club about their 70th Anniversary celebration on April 16/16, anyone wants to attend has to notify Lion Anne by April 4/16.


Visitation:  Lion Dan and 9 club members went to visit Cabri Lions Club on March 3/16.  This is the last club visit for this year.

Texas Holdem:  Lion Wes reported JDRF's Texas Holdem on March 12/16.  Lions Wes and Louis will be there to help.

The meeting on March 24/16 is cancelled due to too many events on that day.

The position for 1st vice president is still vacant.  Lions Wes and Louis will be two years directors for the coming year.  Lion Howard will be past President.  Lion Earl will be President.  Lion Larry will be Treasurer.  Lion Susanna will be Secretary.  Lion Dennis will be Tail Twister.  Lion Earl moved to cease the nomination, seconded by Lion Wes.

Hall Caretakers:  March 10 to 24                     Lions Ron and Susanna

                             March 24 to April 14              Lions Reg and Beth

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 7:40 pm.

Feb 25/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, then Lions Roar.

With 18 members, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes was read.  Correction for donation to Diabetes Camp for Children, the amount was $200.00.  Lion Gary moved minutes to be adopted, seconded by Lion Barry.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.


Tickets from LFC for Blue Jay Weekend Raffle were received.  After club members purchased some tickets, the rest of the tickets were purchased by the club to support LFC.

Camp Tamarack Foundation for youth with learning disabilities asked for donation, filed.

The club was asked to tend bar at a wedding on June 4/16.  4-6 members will work to raise fund in the amount of $350.00.

Email from PDG Lion Rob Hill, the message was about member program.

The annual Lions Cavalcade for Diabetes will be hosted by Moose Jaw Early Bird Lions Club on June 11 & 12.  Anyone wants to attend should register.

The group called "The Memorable Music of the 60'S Legendary Ladies" was asked to perform for us for our club 70th anniversary.  The cost was $3,500.00, filed.


Visitation:  Lion Dan will visit Cabri Lions Club on March 3/16 with 8 to 10 members to go with him.

Hall:  Lion Louis reported the garbage container was in order now.

Texas Holdem:  Lion Wes reported the licence for JDRF was ready.

Lion Jim Parsons reported Sight and Service was still working hard to help people in need.

Lion Jim Parsons also reported that this year the fair would be from June 29 to July 2.  We will have buckets for the drinks.  Also we sell 50/50 tickets.  Lion Gary will look after the licence, etc.  Part of the proceeds or all of the proceeds from the sale will go to Eye Bank in Saskatchewan, depending on the income.

Lion Ron reported March 9 & 10 would be the last time to hand out Child Find Kits.  The left over kits will be donated to the daycare centre.

Lion Gary made a motion to donate $200.00 for the Legion Building Fund in memory of Bev Pratt, seconded by Lion Louis.  A sympathy card was sent to Jim Pratt from the Club.

Tail Twister:  Lion Mike was fined for cheering the wrong team.  Lion Dennis was fined for forgetting the last meeting.  Lion Reg was fined for his birthday.

The Club need 1st vice president and 2 new directors to replace Lions Kelly and Barry, President Howard asked the members to think about it.

Hall Caretakers:  Lion Greg and Mike.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:30 pm.

Feb 11/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, welcomed guests from Cabri and Herbert Lions Clubs, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, Lions Roar and Lions Welcome.

With 17 members, 6 guests from Cabri, and 3 guests from Herbert, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Lion Mike moved minutes to be adopted as read, seconded by Lion Dan.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Reg.


Invitation from Great Plains College for 4th annual Carhartts and Caviar Welding Showcase & Auction on Feb 25/16, ticket is $25.00 each.

A card from Prairie Pioneer Lodge thanked the Club for donating the earphones.

A note from The Salvation Army thanked for the donation last Christmas.

Sask Eye Bank requests donation.  Lion Dan suggested the Club to discuss the matter further in the future.

Request for donation from Diabetes Camp for Children, Lion Louis made a motion to donate $500.00, Lion Wes seconded.


Visitation:  Lion Dan reported 4 members went to visit Rosetown Lions Club on Feb 8/16.  8 members will go to visit Cabri Lions Club on Mar 3/16.

Hall:  Lion Louis reproted on the garbage container and wondered if Lion Greg would talk to Triways about a lock on the container.

Cabri Lion gave a report on their club.  Herbrt Lions will have therir 70th anniversary on Apr 16/16.

Hall Caretakers:  Lions Jim Parsons and Jim Appleyard.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen".

Jan 28/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, welcomed guests from Ernfold Lions Club, followed by O'Canada, blessing by president Howard, and Lions Roar.

With 16 members and 2 guests present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

Lion Ron moved to approve minutes from email.  Lion Greg seconded it.

Lion Ron made a motion to postpone Charter night until December this year.  The Club will celebrate the 70th anniversary.  Lion Wes seconded it.  Lions rupa, Howard and Earl will form a committee and decide the date and location for the event.

There was no financial report for this meeting.


A letter from Chinook(Swift Current) Regional Science Fair asked for donation.  $200.00 will be sent to support the event.  The fair will be held on March 8th and 9th.

A thank you card was from Lion Greg and his wife.


Lion Ron gave a brief summary at the 5SKS cabinet meeting on Jan 24th in Moose Jaw.

Visitation:  4 members from the Club will go to visit Rosetown Lions Club on Feb 8th.

Hall:  Lion Louis got a phone call from Lion Larry about the garbage container.  The collector could not get to the container and the container was too full because other people put thieir garbage in it.  Something has to be done soon.

Texas Holdem:  Lion Wes reported that application was sent in for JDRF.  No definite decision was made for our Club's Texas Holdem.

Lion Adeline was concerned about the scholarship application from Lion members' children and grandchildren.  Should they have special treatment?  The club decided not to make special treatment for anyone but the Club members could inform the Club if one of their children or grandchildren is applying for the scholarship.

Tail Twister:  Lion Dennis waived the fine for anyone over 100 years old birthday.  Lion Erwin dinn't have to pay the fine and won the 50/50 draw.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8 pm.

Jan 14/16

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, welcomed guests from Piapot Lions Club, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, and Lions Roar.

With 16 members and 3 guests present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes of Nov 26/15 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Wes.

Financial Report:

Lion Larry was not able to be at the meeting.  Financial report was presented by Lion Wes and approved on motion by Lion Wes, seconded by Lion Reg.

President's Report:

Email from International President about bringing dignity to others through service.

Email from Lion Larry about insurance policy.  The Club decided to insure the contents for $15,000.00 and liability for $2,000,000.00.

Email about 5SKS 2016 Provincial Curling Bonspiel in Moose Jaw from Feb 26th to 28th if the Club want to participate.  The entry fee is $200.00

Email about Lions Leadership Rally in Craik on April 9/16.  The registration fee is $30.00 per person. Lion Earl made a motion for the Club to pay for  it if members would go, seconded by Lion Louis.

Email about MD5 Raffle Challenge, Clubs were asked to promote the raffle to take place at the 2016 MD5 Convention in Regina to help support the MD5 Youth Camp 2016 in Saskatchewan.


Hall:  Lion Louis reported that hall renters complained about there was no heat in the building.  Later found out that wasn't the case.  They didn't have their shoes on.

Texas Holdem:  Lion Wes indicated that there were not enough workers or players to hold the game regularly.  Maybe we shall hold one in Spring and one in Fall.

JDRF will hold their Texas Holderm on March 12/16.  They asked the Club to get the licence for them and Lion Wes will take care of that.

Other:  Lion Jim Parsons reported there were two more applications for Sight & Service.  It's working well.

Lion Earl thanked Lion Wes and Joyce to take care of the hall for the last two weeks.

Lion Ron thanked Lion Wes and Joyce to do the Meals on Wheels for him and Lion Larry.

President Howard thanked the members who had manned the kettle for the Salvation Army.

Charter Night was discussed.  It's tabled until next meeting.

Lion Susanna showed the Club about the baby afghans she knitted and donated two to the hospital maternity ward every month in the name of the Swift Current Lions Club.  Lion Jim Appleyard made a motion to reimburse Lion Susanna for the cost of material, seconded by Lion Wes.

Lion Harvey from Piapot Lions Club reported their gun show in Maple Creek at the end of Jan and their Club Anniversary in March.

Lion Susanna reminded everyone about Lion Erwin's 100th birthday on 15th.  All Lions are invited to attend the celebration at the Lions Hall from 2 to 4 pm.

Tail Twister:  Lion Wes was fined for moving his seat like musical chair.  Lions Mike and Gary were fined for their birthdays.

Hall Caretakers:  Lions Gary and Leon.

The meeting adjourned with  "The Queen" at 8:45 pm..

Nov 26/15

meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing with everyone singing, and Lions Roar.

Guests were spouses of Lion members and 2nd Vice DG Terry McAleese from Regina Beach Lions Club.  We welcomed them with our welcome song.

With 18 members and 10 guests present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Minutes of Nov 12/15 were emailed to everyone and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Gary.


Lion Wes indicated that we should discuss about Texas Holdem later and to decide whether we should go on with this project.

Lion Jim Parsons suggested the Club to put a thank you ad on the paper to thank Rosenau Transportation Ltd for giving our Club free transportation of glaases to Calgary.

So far, we have over 2,900 pair of glasses collected and ready to be shipped.

Our regular meeting on Dec 10/15 will be cancelled.  Christmas Party will be on Dec 12/15.  Spouses and partners are invited to attend.  Supper will be provided by Schimmel's Dutch Bakery, $15.00 per person.  Members were asked to bring dry goods for donation to Mental Health.

Lion Dan reported 6 members had gone to visit Tompkins Lions Club on Nov 17/15.  No more visitation was planned until after the new year.

President Howard introduced our guest 2nd Vice DG Lion Terry.

Lion Terry brought greetings from Lions International President Lion Jitsuhiro, DG Lion Eunice.  Lion Terry emphasized International President's goals to promo dignity, harmony, and humanity in all communities.  He also pointed out DG Lion Eunice had the same goal to help others in need.

Lion Terry handed out DG Lion Eunice's pin to everyone.  Our Club presented Lion Terry with a lion, a club pin and a cheque to DG's charity.  Lion Terry presented Milestone Chevron Award from Lions International to our Club members.

Lion Beth    40 years

Lion Ron      40 years

Lion Earl       35 years

Lion Susanna  10 years.

LFC Life Member awards were given to Lions Wes, Leon and Earl.

He also handed out attendance pin to Lion Rupa and 40 years pin to Lion Ron.

President Howard circulated a special banner patch recieved from Star for appreciation of Lions' help.

Lion Earl memtioned Lion's pins and vest were on sale and wondered if it was appropriate to do so.  Club will look into this matter later.  Lion Earl also suggested to have new floor.  Club will see about that later.

Tail Twister fined President Howard for his birthday and not turn off his cell phone.

Lion Rupa was fined for her birthday and not were her Lion's vest.

Joyce Vibert won the door prize.


Nov 26 to Dec 10/15   Lions Dennis and Kelly

Dec 10 to Dec 24/15    Lions Larry and Barry

Dec 24/14 to Jan 14/16  Lions Earl and Wes

Lions decorated the hall for Christmans after the meeting.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen".

Nov 12/15

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, and Lions roar.

Lioin Dave Olson from Kipling Lions Club was our guest.  We welcomed him with our welcome song.

With 21 members and one guest present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

There was $5.00 left on the counter and no one had claimed it.  Lion Wes gave a good story and won the prize.


Minutes of Oct 22/15 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Wes.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Mike.

President's Report:

President Howard contacted the Centre.  To sponsor them a meal will be appreciated.  Lion Wes made a motion to give the Centre $150.00 for the meal, seconded by Lion Slim.

A letter from the Salvation Army for donation, Lion Ron made a motion to give them $500.00, seconded by Lion Gary.

A letter from CNIB for selling calendars was filed.

John quigley from Community Safety Net contacted President Howard about sponsoring the book "Drug Safety" for grade 5 students.  Tabled.

An email from Lions Youth Camp asked for financial support was filed.

Thank you notes from the Legion for the wreath and Danika Messer for piano scholarship were circulated.

Lion Adeline received Lion Quest Fellowship award and Lion Ron received Sask Lion/CNIB Fellowship award at the Fall Conference in Regina from the District.

A general report about the Fall Conference was given by the Lions who attended the conference.  5 members from our club were there.


Visitation:  Lion Dan reported that there were 6 members from our club to visit Hazlet Lions Club.

Next Visitation:  Tompkins Lions Club-Nov 17/15, 7 members will be going.

Hall:  Lion Louis will get the furnace checked.

Texas Holdem:  There were not enough dealers for Nov 14/15.  Lion Wes decided to cancel the event.

New Business:

2nd Vice District Governor will visit our Club on Nov 16/15, Lion Ron made a motion to give $100.00 to 5SKS charity, seconded by Lion Gary.

Lion Jim Parsons reported Lyle Patzer asked if our club would help them with the casion game for their upcoming party.  We decided to turn it down.

Lion Slim organized to man the Kettle for the Salvation Army on Dec 5/15 and the meals on wheel in December/15.

The Club decided to bring dry goods for Mental Health at our Christmas Party.  Lion Leon mentioned that they took used clothing too.

Lion Ron will contact Lion Gene about the person who has done snow cleaning for our Club.

Tail Twister:  Lion Dennis collected fines from birthday member.

A gift certificate from Safeway was won by our guest.

Lion Wes donated the $5.00 back.

Hall Caretakers:  Lion Dan and Louis.

The meeting adjourned with "The Queen" at 8:45pm.

Oct 22/15

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7 pm, blessing by President Howard, and toast to the Queen.

With 16 members and two guests present, supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

Jim and Kenton from the Centre gave the Club an overview on their programs about how to help the young people in this communtiy.  We can learn more about them on  The centre receives 60% fund from government.  The 40% is from donation.


Minutes of Oct 8/15 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dan.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Dennis.

Lion Larry also made a motion to close the account at TD Bank and transfer the money to the Credit Union.  The motion was seconded by Lion Gary.

President's Report:

A thank you note from Music Festival was circulated.

A thank you note from Relay for Life was circulated.

A letter from Lion Calvin Bachmeier about Tag Day for diabetes, Club members decided not to participate because this program didn't go well in Swift Current.

Convention chair Lion Ken Peters hopes more Lions will attend 5SKS Fall Conference.

On Oct 17/15, 5 Club members went to Billy Hogg's farm for a tour.


Visitation:  Lion Dan reported that there were 4 members from our club went to visit Piapot Lions Club.

Lion Dan made a motion that our Club would pay for the meals if the members of Piapot Lions Club would come to visit us because they did not charge our members for the meals when our club members went to visit them.  The motion was seconded by Lion Jim Parsons.

Next visitation:  Hazlet Lions Club-Oct 27/15, 7 members will be going.  Leave Swift Current at 5:30 pm.

Hall:  Lion Louis reported the table was fixed.

Texas Holdem:  Lion Wes reported that 13 players were here on Oct 16/15.  The Club made $385.00.  Next Texas Holdem will be on Nov 14/15.

Lion Ron handed out more attendance pins.

Tail Twister:  Lion Dennis collected fines from September birthday member.

Hall caretakers:  Lions Greg and Mike.

President Howard adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.

Oct 8/15

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, blessing by President Howard, and Lions Roar.

With 16 members present, the supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

Lion Ron handed out the rest of the attendance pins to club members.


Minutes of Sept 24/15 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dennis.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Mike.

President's Report:

Jim from the Youth Centre will be our guest speaker at our next regular meeting.

We were informed two past district governors have passed away.

5SKS Fall Convention in Regina on Nov 6 and 7, any donation for the silent auction is welcomed.

There will be a tour to Billy Hogg's farm on Oct 17/15, leave at 1pm from Swift Current.  Any Lion, spouse or partner is welcomed to go.


Visitation:  Lion Dan reported that there were 6 members from our club went to visit Herbert Lions Club on Oct 7/15.

Next visitation:  Piapot Lions Club-Oct 14/15, 8 members will be going,  Leave Swift Current at 5:30pm.

Hazlet Lions Club-Oct 27/15, leave Swift Current at 5:30pm.

Hall:  Lion Louis reported the Lions and Kinsman signs were up.

The railing will be done after Lion Larry has more info from the city.

Lion Phyllis reported the hall was booked for the next few weeks.

Texas Holdem:  Workers are in place.

Tail Twister:  Lion Dennis collected fines from  October birthday members.  The turkey draw was won by Lion Slim.

Our Club donated $150.00 to the Legion.  Lion Mike will go to the Comp School on Nov 11/15 for the memorial service and place the wreath.

Hall caretakers:  Lions Ron and Susanna.

President Howard adjourned the meeting at 8pm.

Sept 24/15

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, and Lions Roar.

With 15 members present, the supper was provided by Ken Rowe.


Lion Leon resigned his position as secretary for the Club.  Moved by Lion Reg, seconded by Lion Mike, Lion Susanna became the new secretary for the Club.

Moved by Lion Phyllis, seconded by Lion Larry, to buy a tree in Lion Ted's name from LFC was cancelled.  Moved by Lion Ron, seconded by Lion Jim Parsons, there would be a memorial tree from Regina Beach (Lion Jim Sinclair Memorial Forest) to honor Lion Ted.  The cost of the tree is $150.00.  It is the wish from Lion Ted's family.


Minutes of September 10/15 were read and approved on a motion by Lion Susanna, seconded by Lion Dennis.

Financial Report:

Financial report was presented by Lion Larry and approved on a motion by Lion Larry, seconded by Lion Louis.


Jim from the Youth Centre sent us a letter.  He would like to come and visit our Club.  President Howard will phone him and ask him to attend our next meeting.

Lion Leo Grossman emailed about the Provincial Lions Curling.  This event will be held in Moose Jaw from Feb 26 to 28 next year.  Anyone is welcomed to help.

There was a letter from Lions Quest.  Not much was going on.

There is a "Marvin Chambers Fellowship" award from Saskatchewan Lions Foundation.  Donation will stay in Saskatchewan.  Fund can be designated to Pediatric Ophthalmology at the children's hospital, Stars or left undesignated.  The cost is $500.00.  This is another way to honour our club members.

Out of clubs memorial donation was discussed.  No decision was made.

5SKS Fall Convention will be held in Regian from Nov 6 to Nov 7 this year.


Visitation:  Lion Dan reported that the visit to Herbert Lions Club was cancelled because they have only one supper meeting every month.  Instead Lion Dan and 3 other club members went to visit Ernfold Lions Club.  Lions Dan, Howard, Adeline, Mike, Ron, Phyllis and Jack will go to visit Herbert Lions Club on Oct 7.   They will leave Swift Current at 6pm.

Building:  Lion Louis reported that railing for the ramp had to be done later.

Other Reports:

Lion Jim Parsons reported that there were two applications for Sight & Service.

Appreciation Night from the Fair Board will be held on Oct 8 which is our regular meeting night.  We decided not to attend.

Lion Ron reported that about 70 books for Child Find were given out.  most parents have received the books from previous registration nights.  Next spring's registration nights will be the last time we will hand out the books.  Any leftover books will be donated to the day cares.  The Mounties will keep on doing theirs.

The regular meeting on Dec 10 is cancelled because Christmas Party is on Dec 12.  President Howard will inform our caterer about the cancellation on Dec 10 and the turkey dinner on Dec 12.

Lion Ron Handed out the attendance pins to club members.  Lion Beth received her 40 years pin.

Lion Tail Twister Dennis collected fines from September birthday members.  There will be a turkey draw on Oct 8/15.

Caretakers from Sept 24 to Oct 8/15 are Lions Howard & Adeline.

The meeting adjourned with "the Queen". 



Sept 10/15

Meeting called to order by President Howard at 7pm, followed by O'Canada, blessing by President Howard, and Lions Roar.

With 17 members present, the supper was provided by Ken Rowe.

Minutes of the executive meeting were read.  Moved by Lion Wes and seconded by Lion Earl, minutes were adopted as read.  Carried.

Swift Current Lions Club's yearend financial statement, general account and budget were circulated by Lion Larry.  Moved by Lion Larry and seconded by Lion Jim Parsons, they were approved.


Email from Diabetes Association would like volunteers to canvas for them in Oct.

Email from family of Lion Ted about the memorial service at Eagles Hall on Sept 12 at 2pm.  all Lions were invited to attend.

Lion Ron will give a tribute at the memorial service.


Lion Jim Parsons suggested the Club to buy a tree in Lion Ted's name for $300.00.  Lion Earl made the motion that the Club would go ahead and purchase a tree.  Lion Rupa seconded the motion.  Carried.

The Club is in need of a member to look after the scholarship fund for the Community College.  Lion Earl will look after that.


Lion Louis reported the new steps and the painting were done.  Also new railing is needed for the ramp.

Fair Food Booth:

Lion Jim Parsons reported the Club cleared with $2,050.00.

The Fair Board is canvassing service clubs to look after gates at the fair ground.  the Club voted against. it.

Sight & Services:

Lion Jim Parsons reported that there were two applications for assistance.

Texas Holdem:

Lion Wes reported there were 2 dates set for Texas Holdem, Oct 16 & Nov 14.


Lion Dan decided to go to Herbert Lions Club on Sept 16.

Other Business:

Since there was no Vice President, President Howard had asked anyone would be interested to take that position.  Lion Earl let his name stand for now.

Christmas party was on Dec 19, but Bronco Hockey game was on that night.  The new date for Christmans party is Dec 12.

Lion Louis suggested the Club to give Art Spiker a gift certificate for welding the step.

President Howard will email District Governor for a visit to our Club.

President Howard asked the Club if they were interested in visiting the Billy hogg Farm to see the antique tractors later in Oct.

Lion Wes ;has Bronco calendars for sale.

Lion Dennis took over the reign from Lion Jim Appleyard as tail twister.  Lion Louis won the draw.

5SKS Fall Conference will be in Regina on Nov 6 & 7.  Club members can register on line.

Meeting adjourned with "The Queen".


June 20/15

After a great steak supper, a brief meeting broke out.

Lion Larry requested that the club hire Deanna Kohls to audit the books again this year as the action had been neglected at our final meeting.  His motion, seconded by Lion Ted was carried.

Officers, prresent were installed:

Lion Rupa moves up to past Pres.

Lion Howard moves from Vice Pres to President.

Lion Barry and Lion Kelly move up from two year directors to one year directors.

Lion Larry retains his position as Treasurer.

Lion Leon, (not present) will become secretary.

The following positions have yet to be filled:

First Vice President:

Two, 2 year directiors:

Tail Twister.

Lions Rupa(Past Pres), Howard(President) received their official pins.  Lion Rupa also received her commemorative plaque.  Lion Dennis received his 5 year pin.  Lion Gene(not present) will receive his 10 year pin later.  Four members received Life Memberships in LFC..  They were Barry Palmer, Beth Parsons, Slim Thomas and Dan Weber(all Present).  All members who qualified will receive their "perfect attendance" pins at our opening meeting in the fall.

Lion Jim Parsons brought all "up to date" on the Fair Booth.

In regard to budgeting items in the coming year, Lion Jim Parsons was of the opinion that "bar drinks" should be pegged at $3.00 in the upcoming year.  There was general agreement on this matter.

The meeting that 'wasn't" then disappeared.


















































































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