Upcoming Events
August 14, 2017 - Lions Club Meeting - 6:45pm. Lion Bill Womack will be in charge of the Program. His guest speaker will be Mark Rumley of the Bush Hill Trading Post. He helps our club by displaying and selling our brooms at no charge to us. We appreciate what he does in the community.
August 28, 2017 - Lions Club Meeting - 6:45pm. This will be the Official District Governor visit. All members be sure to attend to meet our new District Governor Karl Ernst.
Donation to C.O.A.T.
The Archdale-Trinity Lions Club bought and had installed new led light fixures in the fellowship hall at COAT (Community Outreach of Archdale Trinity), which is a food bank for the Archdale-Trinity area. The fellowship hall is used for many purposes from meetings to filling backpacks for distribution to local children in schools.
Installation Night
The officers for 2017-2018 were installed at our June 26th meeting. Officers were installed by our own PDG Bill Womack. Outgoing president Lion Jim Beverley received the "Lion of the Year" award.
Officers 2017-2018
President: David Campbell
1st Vice President: Bill Womack
2nd Vice President: Chad Hinshaw
3rd Vice President: Jim Beverley
Secretary: Mike Johnson
Treasurer: Nancy Burrow
Song Leader: Chad Hinshaw
Lion Tamer: Chad Hinshaw
Tailtwister: Bill Womack
Assistant Tailtwister: David Campbell
Chaplain: Roland Albertson
Bulletin Editor: David Campbell
Asst. Bulletin Editor: Linda Campbell
3 year Directors: Chad Hinshaw, Roland Albertson
2 year Directors: Linda Campbell, Anna McAlister
1 year Directors: Sam Hall, David Campbell, Sammy McAlister
Committees 2017-2018
1st Vice President
Bill Womack
Chad Hinshaw
Roland Albertson
2nd Vice President
Chad Hinshaw
Linda Campbell
Sammy McAlister
Anna McAlister
3rd Vice President
Jim Beverley
Sam Hall
David Campbell
Mike Johnson
Brighter Vision
Bill Womack
David Campbell
Sight Conservation & Eye Wills
Bill Womack
Jim Beverly
Budget & Finance
Nancy Burrow
Camp Dogwood
Mike Johnson
Chad Hinshaw
Lewis Stroud
Roland Albertson
Jim Beverly
Broom Sale
Mike Johnson
Sam Hall
Chad Hinshaw
Health & Flowers
Nancy Burrow
Linda Campbell
Linda Campbell
Anna McAllister
Sammy McAllister
Bill Womack
Mike Johnson
Lewis Stroud
Glaucoma Clinics
Nancy Burrow
Linda Campbell
Anna McAllister
Special Meeting Set-up
Linda Campbell
Nancy Burrow
David Campbell
Mike Johnson
Bill Womack
Jim Beverley
Roland Albertson
Bill Womack
Mike Johnson