Lions Christmas Cake Program
Lions Christmas Cakes are a major fund raising project of Lions Clubs in Australia. Funds raised are donated to projects that benefit the community locally, nationally or internationally. Our club orders 1.5kg/1kg cake and the 900g pudding and are available all year round.
To order contact Lion Josh Roney on 0406 954 461 or
Castle Hill Show
The Baulkham Hills Lions Club annually provides a catering stall at the Castle Hill Show. The show is held for 3 days in March/April. It is a very busy project but very rewarding and well worth the effort.
Youth Projects
Youth of the Year Quest - This is a prestigious event for young people, having been in existence for more than 46 years and boasts many high profile Australians amongst the ranks of former entrants. You will have an unequalled opportunity to experience an interview situation – in a friendly atmosphere – and a chance to practice your public speaking skills. The Lions Youth of the Year is aimed at all young people who seek to improve their skills before entering the workforce or other endeavours and a chance to practice your public speaking skills. For many years this event has been supported by the National Australia Bank in which we are very grateful for. For more information please visit
The Hills Leos - The Hills Leos are a youth community service organisation sponsored by the Baulkham Hills Lions. They are often referred to as a junior Lions club. Please see the Hills Leos tab on the left hand side for more details and their website or Facebook: The Hills Leos