
Youth & Community


In addition to health screenings, the Lions support the greater St. Petersburg community in a variety of ways.  Please contact us if you would like to suggest a service project or if you would like to help the Lions at one of these events.


Food Service for the Homeless

Lions serve dinner at St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Service Center several times a year and have purchased meals for a Saturday lunch serving at least once each quarter.


Welcome Gift Baskets for Brookwood Center for Girls

In honor of Melvin Jones, Founder of the Lions, St. Petersburg Lions Club makes and donates 50 gift baskets with 10 personal care items for girls entering the Brookwood Center.


Treats You Can Trust

Lions share goodies with little goblins along the Treat Trail at England Brothers Park in Pinellas Park.


St. Petersburg Santa Parade

For 10 years, the Lions conducted the annual St. Petersburg Santa Parade, leading the parade with floats carrying the Grand Marshal, and City dignitaries.  The Lions continue to participate in the parade with a float manned by kids with special needs tossing candy and beads.  It is free for the kids to ride on the Lions’ float!


Breakfast with Santa

Feast on a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausages, potatoes and donuts before joining the chaos of crafts, music, dancing, and traditional pictures with Santa.  Breakfast and entertainment is free to the public with children!


Food Collection for the Food Bank

During several events throughout the year, the Lions will hold special collections for canned and boxed foods for donation to the St. Petersburg Free Clinic.


Pet Food and Supplies

During the annual Breakfast with Santa, each guest is asked to bring a donation of pet food which is donated to Pet Pal Animal Shelter.


Peace Poster Contest

The Peace Poster Contest is an annual international event for children ages 11 to 14 that culminates in a grand prize trip to the United Nations. Local school and youth programs are given the opportunity to participate in the art contest that follows a theme for world peace. 


5000 Role Models

The St. Petersburg Lions contribute to this special program of St. Pete’s Promise, sponsored by the Pinellas Education Foundation to boost self-image, social skills and academic performance. This is a mentoring program for young boys at Maximo Elementary School. 


Camp Redbird

The St. Petersburg Lions sponsor four children with special needs to the therapeutic recreation summer camp offered by the St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department.


Challenger Baseball

For many years, the St. Petersburg Lions have sponsored a team in the Challenger Baseball League. This special league accommodates children of all ages with special needs.  The Lions host the annual trophy picnic in May and supply all the hot dogs and hamburgers for free!


VetDogs for Heroes

This annual fundraiser features a silent auction, entertainment, and food at the Lions Club on beautiful Sunset Beach. The proceeds are donated to America’s VetDogs, a program of the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, who provide guide dogs for veterans who are blind, service dogs for those with other disabilities, combat operational stress control dogs for specialized placement, and physical or occupational therapy assistance dogs to VA hospitals for wounded soldiers.  The Club’s donation is designated to assist a local service person in need of canine.


Leo Clubs

Leo Clubs are active at St. Petersburg High School and Shorecrest Preparatory School, with each Club having about 30 active members. 


Sunset Beach Clean-Up

A community action team focused on the environment and safety. Once a month, the team cleans the waterfront from the Treasure Island southward to Sunset Beach point. 


Sydney’s Angels

The Lions have hosted students, families and staff from Sydney’s Angels Academy at the Lions’ beach house for a fun day of activities and lunch. Sydney’s School for Autism combines regular education with therapy and individualized services that help the students thrive.


Book Drive

The St. Petersburg Lions held a special book drive for new books appropriate for pre-k and elementary age children for donation to All Children’s Hospital.  Approximately 75 books were donated!


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