

Daruieste din timpul, energia, compasiunea, talentul si dragostea ta!   Esti un om bogat si poate ca nu stii…. inca. Poti sa faci atat de multe cu atat de putine resurse ! Poti sa ajuti la vindecarea unui bolnav, sa stergi lacrimile de pe obrazul unor batrani, sa aduci zambetul pe fata unui copil! Poti sa transmiti setea de cunoastere, poti sa educi generatii de tineri sa aiba o viata mai buna, poti sa schimbi ceva in orasul tau!

Omule bun si frumos! Esti o flacara! Imparte  din flacara ta si vei vedea ca ea nu se stinge, nu scade nici macar in intensitate, ci se multiplica!


Mai jos este cuvantul Presedintelui Intrnational al anului lionistic 2017-2018.

President's Message

Dear Lion,

Growing up in Batala, India, I witnessed the amazing power of service firsthand. I watched daily as the Golden Temple—the holiest of all Sikh temples—operated one of the world's largest soup kitchens, distributing up to 300,000 meals to people of all ages, races and denominations.

I knew I wanted to do something to change Batala and the world. And I found that opportunity as a Lion. It changed my life. And the longer I served, the more I realized just how important our moto, "We Serve," truly is. That's why it's my theme for the year.

I also realized that as individuals we can only do so much. But when we work together, 1.4 million of us can make the impossible a reality. Just imagine the impact of each of us serving just one more hour per week—that's 73 million more hours of service each year. That is the Power of We.

I realized that solving our world's greatest problems is within reach when we work together to change lives and make the world a better place through service. That is the Power of Service.                                

And I began to see how we could take advantage of our global presence by engaging Lions in communities all over the world. That is the Power of Action.




Dr. Naresh Aggarwal

Your International President



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