

The Greencastle Lions Club is open to membership at any time with men and women eligible for admission.  Any member of the Greencastle area that would like to attend a meeting to learn more about the largest service organization in the world can do so by contacting any member of the Club or Lion Membership Chairman Joel Leckron


  • The unparalleled satisfaction of helping those in need. 
  • Making a difference in your community.
  • Having an impact on those in need worldwide. 
  • Developing leadership skills. 
  • Enhancing communication skills. 
  • Utilizing planning and organizational skills. 
  • Working hands-on to meet community needs. 
  • Meeting new people - from your community and abroad. 
  • Opportunities to network. 
  • Opportunities to travel.




Active: A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations which membership in a Lions Club implies.

Member-at-Large: A member who has moved out of the community and is unable to regularly attend meetings and desires to retain membership in the Club. This member cannot hold office or vote at conventions and must pay dues.

Honorary: An honor bestowed by a club on an individual who is not a member of the Lions Club, to recognize outstanding community service or service to the club.

Privileged: A member who has been a Lion for 15 or more years, who because of illness, infirmities or advanced age or other legitimate reason, must relinquish his or her active status. A privileged member may vote, but may not hold office.

Life Member: A member who has maintained active status for 20 or more years, or for 15 years and is at least 70 years of age can be granted Life Membership. Life Members pay a one-time payment to the association in lieu of future dues. They all the rights and privileges of membership.

Associate: A member who holds his /her primary membership in another club, but maintains residence or is employed in the community of the club in which he/ she attends. Associate members can vote on club matters, but may not serve as club delegate at district, multiple district or international conventions, and are not eligible to hold office.

Affiliate: An individual who is currently unable to fully participate in the club, but wishes to support the club. He or she may not hold office and may not represent the club at district, multiple district or international conventions, but may vote on club matters.




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