
The Laytonsville Lions Club

supports the following activities in the community:

Laytonsville Community Parade

Town Christmas Tree Lighting

Town Picnic

Holiday Baskets/ Gift Cards for the Needy

Blood Drives

Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids for the Needy

Eye Exams for the Needy

Medical Equipment Loan Locker (Contact: Lion Rick Manteuffel 301-482-0460 or 301-525-5542) for requests and/or donations of equipment.

Neighborhood Shredding Event

The Laytonsville Lions Club gives financial support to:

Laytonsville Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary

Local Churches

Laytonsville Elementary School and PTA

Laytonsville Lions Cub Club

Scholarships for graduating high school seniors

Leader Dog for the Blind

Lions Community Outreach Foundation (LCOF)

Lions Camp Merrick (LCM)

Lions International Foundation (LCIF)

Local Scouts


Town of Laytonsville coverlet $50.00 each (see picture under photos), contact     Lion Gerda Sherwood 301-466-2248 or 301-253-6064.

Annual Fruit Sale in December (oranges, grapefruit and mandarin oranges). Contact us at 240-813-8444 or Order must be in by November 12, 2020 and fruit will arrive on Saturday, December 5, 2020.

Staffs and operates a Food Booth at special events. Contact Lion Bill Lynch at 301-758-3876.

"White Cane" Fundraisers to help vision impaired individuals held at local stores. Contact Lion John Conley at 301-602-2897.

Special Club Project

The Laytonsville Lions Club Medical Equipment Loan Locker, a Lions Clubs Centennial Service Challenge Project, Legacy Project 2, was dedicated on September 16, 2017.  The club members completely renovated a historic building behind the Laytonsville Town Hall to store our medical equipment. The building was falling down and was considered a hazard. With approval from the town historic committee, the club was granted approval to renovate as long as the materials used were the same as the original building. After our club received a  matching fund grant from the state of Maryland, the work began.The town was very pleased with our success and gave our club a 30-year lease. The medical locker includes items such as wheelchairs, crutches, canes, hospital beds, scooters, potty and shower seats, etc. More equipment is planned to be purchased.  The equipment will be loaned to anyone in the community and surrounding area upon request.


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