

Lions Club Mukand pur situated in rural area on Distt.SBS Nagar Punjab,INDIA. It Started in 1992.Its famous in the area for its socilal projects.It Has 25 members.The fowlling  are the peremanent projects of the club

  1. Free eyes check up/operation camp held every y4ar in October Month.
  2. Free Eyes sight check up/free specs to needy person .
  3. Tree Planation in July to September Month
  4. Free Sewing mechines to poor needy girls.
  5. Help of poor girls at the merriage.
  6. Free Stationar to poor school going students.
  7. Free Pollution on Autibiles Vicales check up capm.
  8. Club has his Own Ambulance for patients.
  9. Distibution Of Shoes/jackets to needy students.
  10. Celebration of Independence Day/REpublic Day.
  11. Distibutions of fruits in Public health centre.

LIOn Amar jit  Khatkar Region chairman 

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