

Why should I become a Lion?

As a Lion you can make a difference in your community.  You can help locally and internationally.  You can also be part of a worldwide organization carrying out community and humanitarian projects.  As a Lion you will grow personally and professionally by participating in programs, community service and community events.  You'll also enjoy the camaraderie of your fellows Lions as you work together to make our community and world a better place for all.
How do you become a member?
Becoming a member is easy.  You can do either of these options: 
  • You may contact Lion Renee Garfunkel at or 612-270-0934.
  • You may contact one of our curent Lions members.
  • You may attend one of our meetings.  Our meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.  Meetings are held at the Norwood Sports Complex

What time requirements does being a Lion require?

Being a Lion is volunteering.  The time required is what you can spare.  We meet for a few hours on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.  The meetings start at 6:30 pm and are done by 8:00 pm.  We also average one event every other month.  Again, you donate the time that you feel you can spare.  We understand that it is volunteer and that everyone is busy.

What is in it for you as a Lion?

Make a difference in your community
Have fun
Make a change in your world
Support our youth
Help your neighbors
Have fun
Do meaningful projects
Support and raise funds for charitable causes
Support the prevention of blindness and hearing loss
Have fun
Support research for diabetes, cancer and many diseases
Make new friends and join the camaraderie
Feel  good about yourself!
Oh...and have fun!

Come and check us out!  You won't be disappointed!

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