
2022-2023 Awards and Recognitions:
LCI Club Excellence Award recipient
MD19 Club President Excellence Award - President Eileen Cheng
MD19 Club Secretary Excellence Award - PP Grace Hwo, PDG
MD19 Club Treasurer Excellence Award - PP Terry Lai
MD19 Club Membership Excellence Award - PP Susan Park

Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: President Eileen Cheng
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: Secretary Grace Hwo, PDG
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: PP Guilbert Ho (GAC Administrator)
Judge Brian Steveson Progressive Fellow: PP Terry Lai
Judge Brian Steveson Progressive Fellow: Lion Valerie Wong
Meade Sutherland Fellowship Award: ZC/President Elect Jocelyn Wan
Gordon Smith Fellowship: PP Mimi Chan
Lions Quest Fellowship: PP Rita Fok

Lion of the Year: PP Susan Park

100% Attendance Award: PP Mimi Chan, Pres. Eileen Cheng, Lion Elizabeth Cheng, Lion Isa Eng, PP Shirley Choo, PP Rita Fok, PP Michele Gee, PP Nancy Fong, PP Teresa Ng, PP Heddy Wong, PP Terry Lai, Lion Misoon Kim, PP Margaret Kwok, PP Grace Hwo, PP Yolanda Leung, PP Phyllis Li, Lion Mildred Mok, PP Susan Park, Lion Karen Shimokura, PP Wanda Su, Lion Alice Tu, VP Jocelyn Wan, Lion Valerie Wong. (23)

2021-2022 Awards and Recognitions:
LCI Club Excellence Award Achieved
MD19 Club President Excellence Award - IPP Rita Fok, PDG
MD19 Club Secretary Excellence Award - PP Grace Hwo, PDG
MD19 Club Treasurer Excellence Award - PP Teresa Ng, PZC
MD19 Club Membership Excellence Award - PP Terry Lai

Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: President Rita Fok, PDG
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: Secretary Grace Hwo, PDG
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: PP Heddy Wong (Van. Pacific Housing Society)
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow: PP Teresa Ng, PZC (Van. Pacific Housing Society)
Judge Brian Steveson Progressive Fellow: Lion Alice Tu
Jude Brian Steveson Progressive Fellow: PP Jocelyn Wan
Meade Sutherland Fellowship Award: PP Mimi Chan
Gordon Smith Fellowship: PP Yolanda Leung
Lion of the Year: PP Grace Hwo, PDG

100% Attendance Award: PP Mimi Chan, VP Eileen Cheng, Elizabeth Cheng, Pres. Rita Fok, PP Nancy Fong, Sec. Grace Hwo, PP Margaret Kwok, IPP Terry Lai, PP Phyllis Li, PP Teresa Ng, PP Susan Park, Jean Quon, Karen Shimokura, Alice Tu, PP Jocelyn Wan, PP Heddy Wong, and Valerie Wong.

2020-2021 Awards and Recognitions:
Melvin Jones Fellow Award: President Terry Lai
Melvin Jones Progressive Award: Secretary Grace Hwo, PDG
Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship Award: Lion Terry Mar, CM, LM

100% Attendance Award: Pres. Terry Lai, PP Grace Hwo, Lion Eileen Cheng, Lion Karen Shimokura, PP Rita Fok, PP Teresa Ng, PP Mimi Chan, PP Heddy Wong.

2019-2020 Awards and Recognitions:
President's Appreciation Certificates to Board of Directors: VP/Membership Director Terry Lai, Secretary Karen Shimokura, Treasurer Eileen Cheng, Tail Twister/Marketing Chair/Bingo Chair/Leo Advisor Rita Fok, Lion Tamer Valerie Wong, Directors: Angela Lam, Heddy Wong, Mimi Chan, and Teresa Ng.

Lion of the Year 2019-2020: Lion Rita Fok, PP/PDG
Melvin Jones Fellowship:  Secretary Karen Shimokura
Melvin Jones Progressive Fellowship: President Grace Hwo, PP/PDG
Judge Brian Steveson Fellowship Award:
Lion Terry Lai, Vice President 2019-2020 and Lion Alice Tu

100% Attendance Awards: Lion Grace Hwo, Lion Terry Lai, Lion Rita Fok, Lion Karen Shimokura, Lion Eileen Cheng, Lion Valerie Wong, Lion Angela Lam, Lion Heddy Wong, Lion Mimi Chan, Lion Phyllis Li, Lion Pamela Young, Lion Nancy Fong, Lion Susan Park, Lion Michele Gee, and Lion Teresa Ng.

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