
The Zebulon Lions Club is active in the Lions' mission to eradiacte preventable blindness and detect visual disorders as early as possible. Toward that end, our Club uses specialized cameras that take infra-red photos of a person's eyes to determine visual acuity, visual fields and to detect the presence of any medical condition that coujld impair a person's eyesight (if detected, we fer the person to a medical professional). Our vision screening is quick (usually just a few seconds) and painless and can be used on children as young as 6 months. Most visual disorders can be corrected if detected early (by age 6, preferable). Correction of vision disorders can have a profound impact on a child's ability to succeed in school and in life.  Our Club has multiple certified vision screeners and we can perform vision screenings in churches, public and private schools, daycare facilities, etc. Please contact the Zebulon Lions Club if you would like to have our Club conduct a vision screening at your facility. It is free.

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