
                                                     Bethlehem Day - 2012




Club member Jamie Chandler went to Wadesboro to help with broom sales at Peoplefest 




Club members Jamie and Valerie attended a Crawdads baseball game with members of the Millers Creek Lions Club on Monday July, 23rd.



Secretary Valerie Carpenter and Member Jamie Chandler worked at the LEO Convention held at Camp Dogwood February 24-26. LEOs are the junior Lions - teenagers aged 16-18. They had their annual convention and partnered with Stop Hunger Now to package meals for distribution in Haiti. Valerie is employed by Stop Hunger Now and brought a truckload of raw materials to the camp while volunteers from area clubs helped unload and stock the staging area. 33 LEOs and Lions assembled the materials, packing 10,008 meals for shipment.   


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