
Organizations that We Support with Donations

Besides our Service Projects for the Community, we provide financial for various non-profit groups.  Here are some of the organizations we support with donations:

CALL Primrose: they provide free groceries to families and individuals, who live in San Mateo County, and need assistance.  CALL website

The Burlingame Library:  we have long been a contributor to this library.  We support their Summer Reading Program, and their Putman/Lechich Large Print book collection.  

Burlingame High School;  we provide several scholarships to their students.  One of these scholarships is awarded to a student pursuing a career in nursing.

Lions Eye Foundation of the Pacific: this Lions funded hospital provides surgerical eyecare for people in need.  All services and materials are provided at no cost to the patient.  LEF website

Lions Club International Foundation: we support LCIF, which provides grants for global needs.  They provide immediate financial relief for new, or ongoing, catastrophic situations. LCIF website

UCSF Benioff's Children's Hospital:  we donate goods and funds for patient care kits.  These items provide comfort and stress relief for their cancer patients.  UCSF website

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