
Burnham Lions and Rotary Join forces
to help provide a much needed bathroom hoist for Lara

Rotary Past President - Ian Breed, Lion Olive Holdom - Community looking at the Bathing Hoist for LaraMJL280915 LIONS_ROTARY2


Cheque Presentation from the 65 Roses Quilt Raffle

Burnham-on-Sea Lions Club presented a cheque for £592 to Jenny Allen who is fundraising funds for Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

whose sister had Cystic Fibrosis was unable to say it so he always said 
Sixty Five Roses.

Jenny is fund raising money for Cystic Fibrosis Trust and is due to do the challenging walk of the 

Great Wall of China this month.

The cheque will help towards Jenny's trip so she can raise a lot more money for Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Here seen outside Material Needs in Burnham is the quilt being presented to the lucky winner who lives in Stoddens Road. 


The 65 Roses QuiltCheque being presented to Jenny Allen  
65 Roses Quilt made by Members of Burnham U3A  

For more information click below to look at BOS.COM photos and report



Burnham-on-Sea Hospital Fete August 2013

Our Lovely Lions Ladies serving food & drinks





Marshalling at the Two Bays Tough Ten Challenge


We were asked by Weston Lions to assist them in marshalling the 10 Mile run starting on Weston beach, along the promenade, all the way to Kewstoke and back, through the weston woods, across to Knightstone island and back to the beach to the finish line.
I feel worn out just writing about it, but over 1000 runners took part!!
The weather was very kind to our 7 marshals for the Sunday morning task.  
A very rewarding event and an excellent way of raising funds for good causes.



Gwen & Olive on the way tomarshalling On their way, only 9 miles to go

Some of our earlier Marshalling events









Lions Message in a Bottle

This scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location - the Fridge. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident at home, so this scheme can benefit anyone.
By completing the information on the form, it will save the Emergency Services valuable time in identifying the individual and whether they have special medication or allergies. It is not only a potential lifesaver, but also it provides peace of mind to the users, their friends and families in knowing that prompt medical treatment is provided and that the next of kin / emergency contacts are notified.
Supplies are available through Doctors Surgeries, Health Centres.



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