
Our Lions Clubs support the five causes:

Childhood Cancer 






The Chemung Lake District Lions Club

  1. Continues with annual Cruise Night Car Show from May to September at the Lion Paul J English Park in Bridgenorth
  2. Continues with the collection of used eyeglasses and eyeglass cases
  3. Childhood Cancer Committee continues with the Activity Care bags Service Project for the Satellite Pediatric Centre at PRHC along with fundraisers
  4. Continues with support to Dog Guides of Canada and Leader Dogs for the Blind
  5. Continues to support Diabetes Canada 
  6. Continues to support the Bridgenorth United Church Food Bank
  7. Continues to support Chemong Community Care in Ennismore 
  8. Continues to support Five Counties Childrens' Centre
  9. Continues to support the Ennismore Eagles Hockey Team
  10. Breakfast with Santa - Our 4th annual breakfast scheduled for December 2024 - date to be confirmed




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