
Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - 1st PINNING CEREMONY

Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley, 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown

[Corresponding Secretary, Lion Stephanie Harbin with camera - Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club]

[Guiding Lion, Deborah Love of Sponsor Club Greater Metro Detroit Lions Club]

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY at Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley and 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown

In back - Corresponding Secretary, Lion Stephanie Harbin of Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY at Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) Martin Malone; District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley;

1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown

[Treasurer & 1st Vice President of Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - Lion H. Jay Felton -  In Back]

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY at Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion  Martin Malone

Lion Patsy McIntosh, Lion Cheryl Gordon, Lion Stephanie Harbin, Lion Clara Kirkland,  and

Lion Dorothy Knight

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY - Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY - Greater Metro Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion  Martin Malone

Lion Clara Kirkland, Lion Stephanie Harbin, Lion Cheryl Gordon, & Lion Patsy McIntosh

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Maggie Lee Williams-Hinto and IPDG Martin Malone

Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion  Martin Malone

Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton (Lion Evelyn Pinkard looking on)

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton and IPDG Martin Malone

Being PINNED by Immediate Past District Governor ( IPDG) & Guiding Lion  Martin Malone

Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY - Lion Sheena Pinkard

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - PINNING CEREMONY - JULY 2015 -  IPDG Martin Malone pinning

Lion Sheena Pinkard (Lion Maggie Lee Williams-Hinton standing to the left)

at Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Lions Maggie, Sheena, Evelyn

Lions Maggie Lee Williams Hinton, Sheena Pinkard, and Evelyn Pinkard

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, Herbie Felton, Rene Allen

Standing to be PINNED - Lion Mary Easter, Lion Marjorie Allen, Lion Dorethea, Lion H. Jay Felton and Lion Rene Allen

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Lions Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, H. Jay Felton, Rene Allen

Lions Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, H. Jay Felton, and Rene Allen

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley pinning Lion Rene Allen

District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley Pinning Lion Rene Allen

(Lions preparing pins:  Mary Easter, Marjorie Allen, Dorethea Brooks, H. Jay Felton)

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - 1st Vice District Governor Martha Brown - Lions Latricia and Sabrina

PINNING CEREMONY - 1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown

Lion Latricia Wright and Lion Sabrina Rhodes

Detroit (EDAC) PINNING CEREMONY - Lions Latricia and Sabrina - DG Sharon and 1st VDG Martha

Lions Sabrina Rhodes and Latricia Wright preparing to be PINNED by

1st Vice District Governor Martha E. Brown and District Governor Sharon Jordon-Crowley

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - Guiding Lion Deborah Love

Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club - Guiding Lion Deborah Love (GMD)



Detroit (EDAC) Lions Club

EDAC ~ Emerging Detroit Arts & Culture Lions Club

"Awakening the Spirit of Community & Global Leadership via Arts & Culture Initiatives."

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