The Lions club of Falls Church, Virginia was officially chartered on May 28, 1940. This event was the result of a desire held by a small group of young Falls Church business and professional people to form an organization to provide service to their community as well as enhance the social aspects of their own lives.
The club of twenty Charter Members was sponsored by the Arlington Host Lions Club. In turn, we have sponsored five clubs in our first 73 years:
Mt. Vernon District Lions Club November 16, 1945
Centreville Lions Club March 27, 1946
Manassas Host Lions Club June 18, 1947
Herndon Lions Club January 10, 1952
Merrifield Lions Club April 14, 1965
Our first Charter Night was celebrated at the Washington Golf & Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. Each year, in the month of May, we have commemorated the Anniversary of Charter Night with a banquet. Our Charter President was Burns N. Gibson, Sr. The first meetings of the club were held in a room provided by Mr. Gibson at his combined motel, restaurant and service station which adjoined South Washington Street, Annandale Road and Hillwood Avenue. Through the years regular meetings have been held locally in quarters of other club organizations and in various restaurant facilities.
The prime example of the Fall Church Lions commitment to the Lion motto, "WE SERVE", was our involvement in the Child Development Center. Our Club participated in the establishment of the Center and over a span of some 25 years we have donated more than $60,000 that helped make the Center a model for similar facilities throughout the country.
Too numerous to list completely, some of the other organizations and undertakings assisted by the Falls Church Lions Club. As a partial listing, by the 50th Anniversary of Charter Night, we had contributed more than $20,000 each to the Old Dominion Eye Bank, Leader Dogs for the Blind Programs, Lions of Virginia Hearing Foundation, The Recording Service for the Visually Handicapped, The Falls Church Recreation Department, The Falls Church Volunteer Fire Department, eye exams and glasses for indigents, and various youth sporting activities. The funds have been collected by the efforts of each of our Club Members, working together.
Each year, the Citrus Fruit Sales and Golf Tournament have been our major fund raisers. In the early days, our Club sold Christmas trees, light bulbs, brooms, and held auctions, bazaars, and teen canteens. More recently there have been Bingo games, raffles, and "White Cane Days" to obtain monies which are given solely to charitable endeavors.
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