Eyeglass Project
Lions collect used eyeglasses for donation to Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers that are located throughout the world. The used eyeglasses are cleaned, repaired and classified by prescription.
The eyeglasses are then distributed to those in need by Lion volunteers and other organizations hosting optical missions in developing countries.
Individuals may donate used eyeglasses to Lions clubs via:
Lions collection boxes located at various community offices and businesses.
Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers
For more information, please contact Lion Marvin Hyvl.
Brookshire Brothers - 11th Street | Huntsville Eye Center - West Hill Mall |
Post Office Hwy 30 | Prosperity Bank New Waverly |
Dr. Means & Associates - behind hospital | Sam Houston Optical - IH 45 |
Double Dave's Pizza | HEB Business Center |
Elkins Lake Post Office | Tallent's Sausage Riverside |
First National Bank - 11th Street | Shipley's Donuts - Avenue M |
First National Bank Col Etheredge Blvd | Shipley's Donuts - Sam Houston Avenue |
First Presbyterian Church - 19th Street | Shipley's Donuts - 11th Street and IH 45 |
1st Financial Bank - SH 75 | Walmart Vision Center |
Snap Fitness | Smiley's 247 & 980 |
Vera Bank | City Hall |
Flag Project
Sponsorship Form (click to open and print)
Thirteen times a year we display more than 240 flags! Our flags are displayed around the Walker County Courthouse on special occasions. We take great pride in our Flag Project but we need funds to maintain and make new flag stand holes, purchase new flags and poles, and replace many of the worn-out and unsightly flags that have served for many years. In addition to maintaining flags, your Huntsville Lions Club supports the following groups and activities with the funds:
· Scholarships for local high school students — Eyeglasses for local school children in need
· Established local charities — Lions Eye Bank and Sight & Tissue Foundation
· Texas Lions Camp — Other states, national and international charities
· SHSU Endowed Scholarship — Walker County Fair Association
We hope that you will assist us with this project and we greatly appreciate your support!

All materials must be clean, dry, and free of food residue
NO plastic bottles
We have collection points for clean plastic at the following locations:
Curves - both Huntsville and Willis locations
Snap Fitness
Vera Bank
Prosperity Bank in New Waverly