
Littleport Lions are Back!!

As with all organisations, the last year or two have been a real challenge with restrictions over what we could do and where we could go.

But that hasn't stopped us working away in the background and now we are back and ready to get stuck in.

Breakfast with Santa

Littleport Lions Club are pleased to announce the return of their ever popular Breakfast with Santa at the Almonry Ely on 20th, 21st and 22nd December 2022 

This year it will be a continental breakfast and will start at 8.30am. 1 sitting only. The cost is £6.50 per child and £3.50 adults. Each child gets a visit and present from Father Christmas
To book email your details with a contact phone number to
This event sells out fast so book early.

Making a spectacle of ourselves!

Littleport Lions Club has resumed its spectacle collection at Boots, Specsavers and Wades Opticians in Ely. Also Loach & Wades Littleport & Soham. You can also donate hearing aids at the collection points. 

Unfortunately we have no use for the cases so please dispose of them before bringing the glasses for recycling.
The glasses are checked and graded and then sent to third world countries for distribution to patients.
“Thank you Lions”said a 93 year old gentleman from Honduras “I can now read my bible for the first time in 15 years”

Our 10 (+1) year Charter was a time for celebration with friends young and old

September saw the Littleport Lions and their guests coming together to celebrate at their annual charter.

Due to Covid, we were a year late to celebrate 10 years of the Littleport Lions.


There were speeches....

...and some interesting presents were given.

There was an auction....

....and the night ended with an exciting game of boys vs girls at the ping pong game.



Time to Clean up your act!

Litter pickers relaxing after a litter pick: