


Our non-profit, resale store WORTH REPEATING has been fantastic, bringing in over $4000 per month with over half of that available for grants to other Manchester non-profits.  All merchandise, clothing, household items are donated, and all workers are volunteers.  In April 2024 the store surpassed the milestone of giving over $100,000 back to the community and non-profits.

Worth Repeating was started with a Lions Clubs Interational Foundation club community grant which was matched by the Manchester Lions Club and further added to by Lions Barry & Peggy Allen.  We were only open for two months when COVID shut everything down, but we survived until reopening later in the year.



State Projects
Bear Lake Camp – The camp aspires to provide a preeminent summer outdoor recreational/educational facilityBear Lake Camp logo providing opportunities for children of special needs (Visually or hearing impaired) to enhance self-worth, attain independence, acquire social skills and realize their potential as human beings.
Leader Dogs for the Blind – Blind individuals may be sent by a Lions Club to Rochester where they will be provided room, board, a Leader Dog and training at no cost.
Lions of Michigan Service Foundation (LMF) – A 501(c)3 foundation for tax exempt donations to benefit medical needs of individuals through grants to local Lions Clubs. When the expense of medical assistance is greater than a local club can afford, a grant may be requested from the Foundation for part or all the expenses.
Eversight Michigan – Their mission is the restoration of sight accomplished through recovery, evaluation and distribution of the highest quality eye tissue for transplantation and ophthalmic research, funding of research grants to find cures for eye and vision disorders. Lions help spread the word for the Michigan Organ Donor Registry and Lions' donations provide funds for several critical eye research projects each year.
Joint District Projects
Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund – Braille text books are provided to all Michigan visually impaired students and individuals. In addition, products are sold worldwide for people. This project is joint with District 11-C2.
Radio Reading Service – An FM frequency is dedicated to special receivers which are provided to the blind and physically impaired. The station provides volunteers who read books, newspapers and periodicals for taping. The special receivers are provided free to qualified individuals. This project is joint with District 11-C2.
District Projects/Committees
Youth Exchange Program   This program provides an opportunity for youth 17 to 21 to travel to a foreign country to live with a Lion or Lion approved family for 4 to 6 weeks during the summer.  Additionally, we are always looking for HOST families who would want a youth from another country to live with them during their summer vacation.  
Hearing & Speech – TDDs and other services are made available to the hearing impaired. This includes support of the Hearing Impaired Picnic, which is an all-day event, for the hearing impaired and their families. Games, lunch and a program are provided. Project KidSight is also supported through this fund.
Michigan All-State Band– High school students are auditioned to represent Lions of Michigan at the International Convention annually. Students are given the opportunity to travel, march in the International Parade and perform at designated service facilities in the area of the convention.
Penrickton Center for Blind Children – Penrickton is a unique, private non-profit agency, providing five-day residential services and day care to blind, multi-disabled children ages one through 12. Each program is individually designed to promote independence in all aspects of daily living.  This service is provided FREE to families through donations.
Used Eyeglass/Hearing Aids Collection – Used eyeglasses are collected, read, cleaned and available for volunteer groups going to deprived countries to serve the visually impaired. Hearing aids are cleaned, repaired and distributed to hearing impaired individuals.  Drop boxes are located at Manchester Eye Care, or to any Lions member.
Winter Camp for the Blind – A winter experience for the blind which includes many supervised outdoor activities. This is a three-day outdoor experience for blind adults held at the Outdoor Center of the Battle Creek school system in February.
Club Projects 
Project Kidsight - This is a Lions' service project that utilizes the  new SPOT camera.  In 3/4 of a second, the camera takes 18 pictures of the eye, then feeds the data into the internal computer which instantly analyses the information and registers a PASS or REFER.  The Refer indicates which parameters did not pass.  The parent is then provided a read out from the printer on the screening to take to their eye doctor. Screenings can be done on children as young as six months, and on adults up to age 100.
Lions Clubs International News
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