Provide free preschool eye screenings for children ages 6 months to 5 years old through Iowa KidSight
Assist people in need in and around Oskaloosa in obtaining eyeglasses or hearing aids
Distributing children's books through the Reading Assistance Program
Oskaloosa Lighted Christmas Parade
Life File Distribution
Broom and brush sale fundraiser
Planting trees in the reading garden at Oskaloosa Public Library
Paint three rooms at a group home for United Way Day of Caring
Donate money for Community Food Baskets
Free preschool eye screenings at:
Southern Iowa Fair
Iowa State Fair
Mahaska County Extension's Kidtoberfest
North Mahaska Early Childhood Learning Center
SEIDA Head Start
Clean up wooden playground at Edmundson Park during United Way Day of Caring
Donate money to and sort items for United Way's Operation Backpack
Serve funnel cakes and strawberry smoothies at Oskaloosa After Prom Party
Pancake breakfast fundraiser with Central Empire Wrestling
Name the Lion Contest at Oskaloosa Christian School
Peace Poster Contest at Oskaloosa Middle School
Sponsor diabetic youth to attend Camp Hertko Hollow summer camp
Award electronic reader to vision-impaired Eddyville student
Serve food at MUSCO family picnic
Provide 10 Christmas food baskets
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