



 JULY 3, 2024

           Denny’s, 4441 East Commerce Way, North Natomas, Sacramento, CA 95834

 Meeting Starts at 8:00 AM

The meeting was called to order by President Joe Bowers at 8:00 AM.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Joe Bowers, 1VP Ernie Boone, Secretary Jim Berdan, Treasurer Steve Quist, Marketing/Communications 1VDG (Elect) Brent Showalter, 1 Year Director PDG Erv Gon, 2 Year Director Ritchie Carlson2 Year Director Ninoshka Kniznik (Zoom), LCIF Director Mark Kraut, Chaplain PDG Carl Burson, and Membership Director Jun Mateo.

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: 1 Year Director Jackie Llenas-Rossi and Tail Twister Frank Adams.



  • Possible Project with Panama City Lions Club – Lion Ninoshka – No report.
  • Ronald McDonald House Project – October 16th – PDG Erv stated this event will be in conjunction with presentation of pull tabs and that we will serve Lunch to 75 people and we’ll need 12 volunteers. Menu to be determined.  PDG Carl made a motion to approve the event.  Lion Jun seconds the motion. Prez Joe calls for the question and the motion passed.

SELC Business:

  1. Approval of May 22nd Board Minutes: PDG Erv made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  PDG Erv seconds the motion.  Prez Joe calls for the question and the motion passed.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:

Admin $XXXX, Charity $XXXX, City of Hope $0.00, LMEAF $0.00. LPCC $0.00, Opportunity Drawing $0.00, Tail Twister $0.00, Attendance $0.00

Old Business:

  1. CFL Grant for WSWA Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution – 1VP Ernie reported that the paper work was submitted six weeks ago and that he has heard that the request was tentatively approved. More to follow.
  2. Plusoptix Training will occur on July 31st and we need five volunteers to staff two events, August 18th and October 6th.
  3. Guest Speaker Program Update – Prez Joe stated that 1VP Ernie will assume the duties.
  4. LPCC Abdul Award for Scandia CEO Brian Nichols and his wife will be presented in September.

New Business:

  1. 2025 SELC Annual Golf Tournament – Prez Joe stated that he will get with Lions Frank and Steve.
  2. 2VP Vacancy – Prez Joe – Table
  3. Zone/Region Joint Project – 1VDG (Elect) Brent – Table
  4. WSWA Backpack Distribution and Hot Dog Lunch – August 10th – 1VP Ernie stated that we need volunteers.
  5. PDG Erv reported that he and PDG Cat collected 14 cases of incontinence products and 10 cases of medical supplies.  All items were donated to WSWA.

With no further business, President Joe adjourned the meeting at 9:05 AM.

Lion Jim Berdan


Sacramento Embarcadero Lions Club (2190)

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