
The Denton Lions Club is extremely proud of the impact that it has had on its local Denton area service community over the course of its 77 year history. Below is described the impact of the programs, activities and efforts of the Denton Lions Club over just the last 30 years of local community service:

  1. Donated nearly $275,000.00 to a host of important International, National, State and Local causes;
  2. Purchased about $32,000.00 in eye glasses for over 300 persons who needed them but could not afford them;
  3. Tested the vision of approximately 3,000 pre-school children preparatory to their entering school;
  4. Provided a safe, appropriate place for over 5,000 boys and girls to play baseball;
  5. Financed the attendance of about 50 youngsters to Girls and Boys State;
  6. Distributed almost $30,000.00 in college scholarship grants to graduates of North Caroline and Wesley High Schools;
  7. Served a very large uncounted number of meals to Neighbors United To Serve and Police Night Out clients;
  8. and, has spent countless volunteer hours officiating handicapped Olympic games, cleaning the highway, serenading the elderly at Christmas, and much more.
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