
Merate ライオンズクラブ訪問記2





開会式前日、パレードのスタートが遅れている時、突然AnnaとMerateLC 3人のメンバーが会いに来てくれました。彼らもパレードに参加し、その遅れからスケジュールはたびたび変更を余儀なくされましたが、結局ホテルに迎えに来てくれて我々が希望していたF-1が開始されるMonzaサーキットを見学し感動しました。その後Francescoと合流しAnnaの家へ行きました。以前いた大きい犬は亡くなっていましたが新しい犬と遊び、大きな橋の見えるレストランへ移動しました。レストランには多くのMerateLCのメンバーと家族が集まっており、再会を喜び合いました。ワインセラーでおいしいワイン、スプマンテをいただいた後、レストランに移動しおいしい料理と会話を堪能しました。2015年9月訪問した時にプレゼントした片岡ガバナーのピン(バッジ)をみんな着けてくれていて、とても感激しました。メンバーの1人が館長を務める展望台を見学してホテルまで送ってもらいました。



As of July 2019.

Title: The visitation of Merate Lions Club in Milano Italy, by the second description.  

The report to meet Francesco and his mother again at Milano international conference.

I just put on the background to concern amongst Francesco, Anna and me as follows.

Francesco was stayed at my house as the YCE program in December year 2013, and he also was remarkable young man (seventeen years) at the time.

The purpose of our visitation in Merate Italy that Anna was become President of Merate LC and the exposition at Milano by our five members, in September year 2015.

Further we had a promise at the time, to get in contact each other in July year 2019 at Milano LC international conference, by the appointment as the district Governor 336C.

The day before the opening ceremony at Milano, when the parade delayed, sudden come to see me by Merate three members with Anna. They were being participated the parade as well.

The parade accidentally was changed the time schedule by the participation of a lot of people.

However, the parade eventually has been successful despite delayed the schedule.

We have been setting our planning up after met at Milano by the email. The plan of my request is being on time at the previous one so that we firstly have stopped to be held Monza circuit of F-1 festival over on the way to go Merate. We indeed have impressed to be seen the actual circuit., further we have joined Francesco to go her house after that.

The remember back as the digression that the previous large doggy was passed away, and the new doggy comes to play with me.

Anyway, we really were exciting to have a spumante and wines at the basement of the restaurant and enjoyed the dinner and the conversation with Merate members which in front of large bridge. Also, I deeply was impressed to wear the pin badge which was present by the past district Governor Mr. Kataoka.

In the middle of night, one of famous professors at Merate members guided an observation deck to be explained us the constellations, and go back at the midnight in Hotel by their vehicles.

The final day July 7th, Anna was attended the closing ceremony, and she has seen to remove my elect ribbon by ex- district Governor.

I thought that never ever get the experience of YCE program which is received young people by the foreign countries if was not joined in Lions Club world. Finally, I surely would like everyone to pass the activities, the connection and the enjoyment in the Lions life for the future.        

Writing by Jun Takahashi

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