June 2024 Winnersh Fete
Despite a very wet start there was a good turn out at the Winnersh Fete this year. In addition to our Human Fruit Machine we also had fun running the "Marble Game". Many thanks to everyone that braved teh weather and visited us; if you missed out we will hopefully see you at the next event.
June 2024 Woodley Carnival
This year Woodley Carnival was busier than ever. We had great fun operating the Human Fruit Machine. If you have never seem one then keep an eye out for us at local Fetes and Carnivals.
Many thanks to all that came to visit us and watch the reels spin!
March 2024 Quiz Night

February 2024 Skittles Evening

Quiz Night
Plans for 2022 Event are on the home page
Our last in-person Quiz Night was last held on March 2nd 2019, with excellent attendance. A quiz and ploughmans supper (all for £10) was enough to send 120 people home happy.
In 2021 we held our first virtual Quiz night via Zoom! With excellent attendance and enthusiastic participation, as well as many of us learning several surprising new facts! Although we hope to return to an in person event in the coming years, the virtual quiz may also become a fixture of our calendar as an ongoing reminder of our adaptability and resourcefulness during difficult times.
Fireworks Night
(Last held 5th November 2022 and was a great success!)
The display is a high impact event with fireworks and lasers set to music lasting 20 minutes. A family event with on-site facilities to purchase food and novelties from opening time.
Woodley and Earley Lions along with all our partners and volunteers were so happy to welcome so many families and friends to the display this year.
Thank-You to everyone for making the night such a resounding success!!!
Santa's Sleigh
Each December we parade Father Christmas through the streets of Woodley after dusk doing a door-to-door collection. We can also be found outside various supermarkets and garden centres during this period. This has proved very popular and the public's generosity never fails to surprise. Santa's sleigh has recently been refurbished by Maiden Erlegh School Technology Department and it looks fantastic. Please find links to schedules etc. via our Home and Events pages.
Tree of Light
Each year we offer the opportunity to sponsor a light on the Christmas Tree in Woodley Town Centre. A lovely way to remember and honor a loved one, absent friend, or whole family.
Winnersh Fete
We have attended this community event in recent years in order to raise people's level of awareness in our activities. In 2019 we brought along our “Human Fruit Machine” which always proves to be an amusing sideshow, and it raised a bit of money for our Charity Fund. Pictured is a lucky punter who walked away with a £5 prize.
Woodley Carnival
In 2019 we took our gazebo and distributed information leaflets in order to raise the profile of our club. We also took our Human Fruit Machine as an amusing diversion, which proved to be very popular.