2nd Annual Everglades City Triathlon

Everglades City Seafood Festival 2019
The Everglades Lions Club will again be serving hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, our famous Smoked Mullet Dip and Smoked Mullet Fillets.
65 Years Strong!
On November 18, 2017, the Fort Myers Lions Club held an event to jointly celebrate our Charter Anniversaries.
Lion President Joe West received an International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation for his work on Disaster Relief from Hurricane Irma.
Lion Dottie Joiner and Jim Ragusa were also honored by our Club for their efforts to the community in the recovery after Hurricane Irma.
The Everglades Lions Club was chartered in 1952. There were 42 Charter Members. The event was celebrated with a dinner at the Rod and Gun Club in Everglades City.
Source: Fort Myers newspaper Sunday, Dec 7, 1952
The early years held fund raisers such as Fish Fry's and dances. One of the first events was a Fish Fry at the school in March of 1953. The cost was $1.00 for adults and 50¢ for children. Over 200 people were served and the event netted $192.50. Sponsorships included Boy Scout Troop 23, a Little League baseball team, the Sea Scouts and a Magic Show at the Tamiami Theatre.
Meetings in the first few years were for informational and educational purposes. The topics were “The Seminole Indians of Florida”, “Operations of Legislature”, highway safety, cancer and migratory labor .
Much of the history of the Club was lost in Hurricane Donna in 1960 and again by Wilma in 2005. What we know now is stories told by current, long-standing members.
Turkey Shoots were a favorite fund raiser. First held on the south edge of town (where lookouts had to hold off shooting when boats went by on the canal), then held north of town at the corner of US 41 and CR 29. The last 3 events have been held at the beautiful Altair Training Solutions site, just north of Everglades City, Florida. It's a perfect, safe, beautiful setting for an affair of this type.
The Everglades Lions Club also participates in local events such as the Food Bank, SAC, the 4th of July Parade. The Everglades City Seafood Festival is always a fun event where Club members sell food and drinks; hamburgers, hot dogs, and smoked mullet dip. The smoked mullet dip is a local favorite. “We catch it, we smoke it, we make it”.
Hurricane Irma has had a devastating effect on the Everglades City area, including Chokoloskee, Plantation Island, Copeland and Jerome. Recent efforts of the Club have been to help residents get through and recover from this storm.
See our upcoming events to see what we're up to next!
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.