
Georgetown  Lions
Santa Claus Parade

Halton Hills, Ontario


For the lastest Parade News click on the Facebook Icon

Santa Claus arrived in fine style on November 16/24 thanks to the efforts of the Georgetown Lions Club and over 120 community volunteers.

Spectators  gathered along the 3.5km route and  enjoyed the many floats, marchers, bands and of course Santa Claus.



The Georgetown Lions Club Parade started in 1932 and has been a continuous event since that time. 

The  Lions Club encourage you to think of others at this time of year and ask that you make a donation of food or cash to the Georgetown Bread Basket Food Bank.

 While the Town of Halton Hills provides assistance with the event the Lions are fully responsible for the oganization  and costs of operating the parade. 


The parade will form up on Sinclair Ave. and proceed west on Guelph Street to Mill St. It will follow Mill St. through historic Downtown  Gerogetown, then turning left on Charles St. to the Georgetown Fairgrounds Park where the parade will disband.

We invite you to register for the parade, as a family, group of friends or an organization no experience is necessary. 

Registration Form for 2024


Like all community events the Lions Club relies on civic minded businesses for their  support, In 2017 we introduced a new category of sponsorship called Community Champions and with their support the Club was able to operate the event. As part of their sponsorship the company names were placed on the Lions Events Trailer.

2023 Sponsors 



Each year we ask the community for help in running this event. The volunteers undertake a variety of  tasks, we can gurantee the best view of the parade. Thank you to all our valued volunteers. 

2023 Parade in Pictures 

Photos Courtesty of Ron Stiel


Driver Lion Bruce Cornish with Ken Thorne and Susan Tupling 

2023 Santa Claus Parade Winners

Best Theme Entree: Halton HIlls Blue Fins

Judges'commnents: We loved their swimming fishes

Best Band Entree: Halton Hills Concert Band

Best Community Group Entree: Halton Hills Thunder & Georgetown Raiders Hockey Club

Judge' comments: We loved that they were together and such a large group turnout

Best Commercial Entree: Starlight Destiny Baton Twirling Club

Judges' comments: So energetic and great music

Most Creative Entree: Fallbrook Farms Inc.

Judges' comments: The hay reindeer at the front was adorable and creative 

Honourable Menton (Comercial): Total Disposal

Honourabe Mention (Creative): Dr. Caroline Teske, Family & Friends

Judges' comments: Loved the glasses lit up at the front and the Merry Christmas Eye Test letters on the back of the float 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT

Thanks to all Volunteers, Participants  and Sponsors 




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