With the support of local opticians and their customers we have sent off another consignment of spectacles for recycling. They will ultimately be used in developing countries to help those with eyesight difficulties.
District Governor Lion James Mathers and Lion Ian Burt
Our District Governor Lion James Mathers and his wife Lion Gail from the St Austell Lions Club visited us for our January meeting.
He was able to present to Lion Ian Burt a 50 year service Certificate of Appreciation signed by our Patron Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh and the current Council Chairman Lion David Pope.
Ian joined the Association as a Leo in Petersfield and took on a number of roles in the United Kingdom as a Leo before becoming a Lion in Petersfield and subsequently Dumbarton, Cheddar Vale, City of Wells and now Glastonbury and Street. During his time as a Leo he met his wife Lesley and also the signatory on his certificate, Lion David Pope.
The club congratulates Ian on attaining this milestone and we look forward to your continued contribution to Lions Clubs International.
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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.